

"I do [think Snape is a hero], though a very flawed hero.
An anti-hero, perhaps.
He is not a particularly likeable man in many ways.
He remains rather cruel, a bully, riddled with bitterness and insecurity –
and yet he loved, and showed loyalty to that love and, ultimately, laid down his life because of it."

-- J.K. Rowling

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


看偶像剧除了看到可怜被打压的丑小鸭翻身成为漂亮的天鹅反击的梗会超爽以外,看到一直苦苦追求可是被忽视不被珍惜的角色终于有一天放下而且当着那人的面说“I‘m not going to like or care about you anymore." 然后那个人才意识到他一直在挥霍别人的感情而且发现不能没有她的情节看了也是爽啊啊啊啊~

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