"I do [think Snape is a hero], though a very flawed hero.
An anti-hero, perhaps.
He is not a particularly likeable man in many ways.
He remains rather cruel, a bully, riddled with bitterness and insecurity –
and yet he loved, and showed loyalty to that love and, ultimately, laid down his life because of it."
-- J.K. Rowling
Monday, December 31, 2007
anw. Just want to mention, in case ppl dun go to the tagboard area, there's actually a dunno normal or shuttle bus to IMM from Jurong mrt. and very sadly speaking, Jurong point is NOT at Jurong, but at BOON LAY. hahaha.
ha. saw someone at amk hub today go yue hui wor~ dunno whether cn say anot so shall not say now. lol. special person on a special day~ dress until so chio~ wear bu xi guan de high heels somemore~~ xD
Im gonna be an aunty soon~ =.= as in literally. me, an aunty at age 16. lol.
Friday, December 28, 2007
goin to buy Fahrenheit's album (prob 改版 version), then feel like buying F4's album cause it's the last time they wld 发行 an album tgt le, then hav 纪念价值. lol. moreover vic chou and jerry yan become even more shuai le. haha. anw. like got a lot singers 发片 at this period of time, between december and january 2008. ._. hope that flh's album sales wun be affected >.< then the number of dramas I would LIKE to buy...haix.
期待-ing jiro and danson de new show, 翻滚吧, 蛋炒饭! and 在这里等你 by vic chou and kingone. It's a taiwan 观光局 sponsored show,etc but I watch the preview like v.nice liddat. and got "小南女神" frm why why love. lol.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
I want my printer~~
O and I received Sarah's card ytd!! tyty.
Fahrenheit newest Mv out le!!
My Top 8.
1. liwen
8. hueiting
1. Is #1 attractive?
of course. although she keeps acting humble and denying it.
2. Have you met his/her parents?
hmm. not yet.
3. Are you or have you ever been romantically involved with this person?
lol. she's attached :P
4. Have you ever hugged #2?
yes. always. it's kind of a everyday thing. lol.
5. Friends with benefits?
hmm. all of them? they brought joy to my life xD
6. Have you even met this person?
-.- um. duh?
7. Do you actually like #3?
no. she's one of my BELOVED.
8. Do you go to school with him/her?
she lives in woodlands while Im in amk for god's sake.
9. Have you been to his/her house?
10. How old is #4?
11. Do you guys have inside jokes?
always. lol.
12. Is this person athletic?
quite. SJAB de leh xD
13. When's #5's birthday?
23 September!
14. How'd you meet this person?
first day in sec 1/1, she sat in front of me
15. Are you glad you met this person?
lol. yep!
16. What's #6's middle name?
17. Does he/she have siblings?
yep, one younger sis.
18. When are you going to see this person next?
when school reopens?
19. Use one word to describe #7.
CUTE. dun ask why. she just is.
20. Does he/she have a pet?
nope. bah. dunno.
21. Have you ever been out of town with this person?
22. Why is #8 last?
cos she's sotong. (no link. haha.)
23. Do they live near you?
yep. just a few blocks away.
24. Is he/she attractive?
duh. ask her long line of suitors.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
bought a new bag and a new mp3 pouch today!
was so amused by the enthu ninja. lol.
ha. I shall name the kawaii thingy I bought (refer to prev posts) TAMAGO. haha. it's japanese for 'egg'. cause it looks like an egg. lol.cute right!! haha.
oh god. I cant believe that I got so bored enough that I just went to barbie.com. gosh. Ive gone mad. boredom drives ppl crazy.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Lets101 Quizzes - fun Myspace quiz
quite true de wor.
anw. I got my first christmas present frm my sis! she gave me a brown and pink (my latest fav combi) wallet!! yay yay nice nice.
Monday, December 24, 2007
hmm. after my sis de engagement I went to Orchard to meet wen, wanting and Jacq for our xmas celebration. due to a decision that we shall all wear christmas hats and walk on the streets of orchard, wanting brought hers but the rest of us have to look ard and buy. Last year much easier to find, but this year raining lah. anw. we ate at a new jap restaurant we havent ate before. then jacq bought a bucket tee (the words v.funny!!). then we go cine take neoprints. o, forgot to mention, whenever we saw free gifts, roses,candies.., even when we walk past we still go back take. lol. we took the roses then dunno one of us say like the person actually is giving the roses to couples. haha. love the neoprint with the xmas tree!! haha. I lend mine to jacq for scanning. hmm. then sth unhappy happened to me... then we continued. we actually saw ppl selling xmas hats de. but v.ex!! the cheapest is one with plaits(lol) which costs 4bucks, one without music (5bucks), one with music (6bucks). so ex la. lucky we din buy. cuz ltr we saw hats selling at 3bucks. hahaha. me and jacq bought one, then I bought one for wen, cuz she's broke and I want everyone to have fun tgt mah. We asked the ppl to help us take pic ^^ me and wen switched on the lights on our hats. lol. Then we like walk ard orchard, and just singing out loud suddenly, then when we go past those stereos we just screamed for the fun of it (nobody cn hear mah), we took pics with the huge starbucks cup, tingg and wen took pic with the huge red mnm (tingg wearing red shirt wif red mnm)...and according to wen some foreigners took pics of us xD. hahaha. who cares if we are diu lian?? IT'S CHRISTMAS!! (for pics and other details go wen's and wanting'sblog) o, and when I returned hm, wanting's xmas greetings is in my mailbox! xiexie!
fast forwaard~~
24 December ( Christmas eve!!)
went to amk central. spent lotsa money. today amk uber FULL with ppl, wn eat nasi briyani got super long queue, even dear old reliable MAC is also full. argh. cuz have to wait for my mom, so in the mean time I just wander and wander and wander and legs super suan cuz i cant find seats. -.- I bought shoes, pendant for my sis xmas gift, this uber cute thingy that I fell in love with at first sight days ago though it's quite ex (but it's worth it, somehow I just keep smiling when I saw the cute smile on it. and somehow Im just attracted to stuff with super big heads and minute body porportion.haha). I bought 3 magazines, epop, iweekly,teens(cuz gt FLH!!). I bought a wrapping paper I randomly saw and just buy cuz it look nice... so ya. my money all flew away~~and I saw lyn and kanika..
to dedicated Jay Chou fans. for $39.90 you cn get the album On the Run, with a notebook and a Jay Chou figurine at tt cd store in amk hub...
now catching up on my weekly dramas...
grr. I hate 敷衍 replies. (gives a u-better-watch-it-and-dun-test-my-patience smile)
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
today rushed to InfoComm meeting at mac after pei-ing my parents to the market. Then sit there finish Sarah's card, crap with wen and wanting. then cause v.long I havent take neoprints liao ask them take (it had been exactly 3 mths. last time i took was 21/09/07) at hub. I saw Genesis!! (a pri sch friend) she's like in front of me and saying hi, I stare at her blankly until I recognized her ._. haha. so paiseh worh. Then took our neoprints lor. haha. this time I huo chu qu and do stupid expressions instead of smiling normally. lol. dunno whether wanting or wen cn/will upload the pics anot.. Then got 1 pic I hug them mah, then I deco the entire thing with hearts. hearts over hearts over hearts, all diff de. xD Im so proud of my handiwork sia~
yay yay. our x'mas gathering tmr! LET'S ALL WEAR CHRISTMAS HATS TOGETHER! AND MUST TAKE PIC!
I bought an ex cd to put in songs I want give to my eldest sis mah. then in the end my com cnt make it. so it's like so lang fei laaa!~~
Lol. heard gossip tt *cough cough* give up *cough cough* le. hahaha.
speaking of this matter, can YOU reply to ME and WANTING. For me hai hao la, but tingg thought you die le, so yah, and since you don't want to talk about it, so KAN KAI YI DIAN and DON'T XIANG BU KAI and really gua diao. :X
Thursday, December 20, 2007
词:方文山 曲:周杰伦
教室里那台风琴 叮咚叮咚叮嚀
像你告白的声音 动作一直很轻
微笑看你送完信 转身离开的背影
那温热的 牛奶瓶 在我手中握紧
有你在的地方 我总感觉很窝心
日子像旋转木马 在脑海里转不停
nice song~ Jay's compose as usual, rawks~ haha.
now abit blank blank de. forgot want say wat le. -.- oh yah. I had a super long and weird dream...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
yesterday received my first christmas card! From Nadia. And omg, I cant stop laughing. Even without names you would know that it's from her. got her 'feel'. LOL!!
I finally bought a hand bag and a pair of shoes for my sis's engagement thingy on sat. Earrings and dress also buy hao le. FINALLY. anw. went to J8 ytd. found out that really very long din go le. Lots of shops changed liao. Bought over by those known brands. quite sadded.
ouch. now I smack my Jack Russell he happy happy my hand pain. T.T
我心窝做你的新窝 也许坪数不太够 甚至会拥挤到只装得下你我
是的 感情不是 K 歌 音阶一字不漏 不见得感动
Monday, December 17, 2007
Haha. watchin IWAK2 now. cant stop laughing like an idiot sia.LOL.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
yay yay. can see the mv of feilunhai and s.h.e's song xin wo soooon~
oh ya. and I finished all the christmas stuff, just left with writing my return add. :))
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
T.T gotta bleed for christmas. haix. I want to D.I.Y the cards summore and I havent started. hope the envelopes can get delivered on time safely though. must watch out hor~
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Cry on my shoulder
listen! haha. get a look at the lyrics too bah. lol.
cry on my shoulder
Like the lyrics lots. Like the the chorus lots too haha. :D would be so touched if someone say that to me…lol.
T.T the peeps went to escape today~ I wanna gooooooo. Argh. Sad face.jpg. haha.
oo. and the songs of dou niu yao bu yao are nice! The 2 songs by s.h.e and the rock solo by Hebe (lyrics by herself) all v.nice ^^ anyone buying the ost?? Haha.
o. and I did the quiz tt wen and wanting did, on when you would get married. Theirs I think is 6 – 14 years from now. Then mine is 16 to 25 years. -.- okaaaaay. By then really quite old liao sia. Hahahah.
Friday, December 07, 2007
woo. spent about 2+ hours on Sarah's birthday card. haha. cause today finally got ling gan. lol. I go and draw the few of us who chipped in and 'someone'. haha. im really inadept at drawing laaaa~ anyway. wo kuai bi qi si le. we haoxin haoyi then bei dang chen gou fei liddat. hmph. fine. we will xiu shou pang guan frm now on. since u are nt serious. tsk.
或许错在我 太晚我才懂
我还以为我们能 不同于别人
我还以为不可能的 不会不可能
风筝有风 海豚有海 我存在在我的存在
Monday, December 03, 2007
yet another msg sent in fit of anger. also sadness la, jiang zhen de. haix.
BUT. now gt rpy. hahahahahahaha. tsk tsk tsk. Im so easily influenced. got 生气 very easily but very wuliao-ly 气消 also very the fast worh.
and hahahahaha. anyway i shld go buy lottery! what are the chances of ur arm getting scratched by a falling durian under ur study table? HAHAHA. just happened to me -.- ouch.
ahh. Im gg crazy. nvm. shall post again when I feel sane enough.
是我想太多 你总这样说
是我想太多 我也这样说
Thursday, November 29, 2007
First day
1. unAmazing Race (which we went through before)
-keep walking and walking and walking
-mw and ting keep asking them to ask us for hints to the SPCA
2. Watch HSM2 and Doraemon movie and some anime
- I love that dinosaur in the doraemon movie. AND I cried twice! hahahaha.
3. Nightwalk
-I walk alone
-I slapped the first senior on his shoulder when he jumped out. Hard. lol.
-because I stm and i actually forgot the route, I saw the 2 other seniors before they could actually scare me. HAHAHA.
4. Staying out throughout the night
-actually is mainly pei wen cause she cant sleep.
-kept eating nerds
-I really didnt sleep a wink. at all.
second day
feel like dying. u get the feeling your heart might just stop any moment with vigourous exercise when u didnt sleep at all.
- the day is boring.
-kept lying down at any possible spot. including the floor.
-throat hurts like hell; voice squeaky
- phlegm gt blood~
night: Candle war
-cant participate in my state.
-but I contributed by protecting ting's flame! and kept shouting at team members to watch out.
-so tong ku to see the 'enemy' burning the string in front of you and u are helpless.
-sleep on tables
-woke up halfway, went back sleep
third day
-clear up wax; i didnt cause giddy giddy de
-watch sva videos
went back hm, first thing I did was to sleep on my bed. haha. woke up, eat, went back sleep. lol
then this morning, I coughed out this huge lump of phlegm with even more blood. great. -.- sianx. I want to eat my potato chips and my prawns and my tibits~ AND I HATE MY MALTESE.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Never heck-care about your appearance at anywhere outside your house at anytime.
You never know when you will see your neighbours, and yes, one of them is a shuai-ge, and your hair is a mess, you are sweating like hell, and you are with your maltese with a schnauzer cut, and most of its fur shaved off by your dad, you are seating in a very unglam manner on the first floor staircase, and it's at 1130, nearing midnight.

haha. this is one of the characters from my fav xiao shuo series. haha. really love the series sia. ^^
haix. dun like ppl who cant keep a hold on their tempers, or for that matter, get upset so bloody easily and shows it with no restraint. argh. irritating.
I love mondays!~ pls come quickly~ I want watch my beloved Bull-Fighting and Romantic Princess and Sweet Relationship....AHHH!! as i was typing I suddenly remembered I have camp the next week. Monday to Wed. Crap. I want my youtube! T.T
eeyer. I prefer a proper com to a laptop. Laptop zheng tian get hanged de. qi si wo le. Then I pian pian is a person who has very limited patience. argh. nvm. better than nth la. haix.
I miss my friends~(in no particular order, just listing for the fun of it)
nadia, wen, wanting, weiching, ivan, wenjia, hueting, aliya, anna, jon, yuxiang, syat~
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
T.T kept having dreams everynight. and most of them are nightmares. zen me ban. everytime wake up so tired. today woke up at 9am in the morning cuz in the dream I cant breathe and is suffocating then suddenly wake up. zzzz.
Friday, November 16, 2007
yayayayayayay! 斗牛要不要 acted by Hebe and Mike He showing in 2 days time!! la la la~ means that I shld be able to watch it by monday :D finally~
listening to a few new songs! the theme song of 斗牛要不要 by tank and the ending song by s.h.e. both v.nice! and I finally got used to Jay's newest songs, cn da gai know the melodies and the chorus parts le. and show's newest mv with elva is also out. quite nice la.
danson tang coming to singapore tmr.~ although I dun like particularly love him or anything. haha. haix. recently no news of fahrenheit de. sianx. all busy with acting for dramas that wld take ages to air. >.<
rmb the 123fans.cn thingy? Jiro got to second position le!!!!! wahahahahahahaha!!! was so happy sia. @_@ haha.
Today's the actual day of wen's birthday! Let's all wish her a very happy birthday! :D
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
anw. Been listening to Jay Chou! Like songs like 'sweet sweet de' (direct trans xD), 'Wo bu Pei' and the 'longest movie',etc. haha. v.nice~ Jay Chou rawks!
Yay. The new drama by Mike He and Hebe is gg to be shown this month's end. Finally got new drama to watch le :)
Watched the Game Plan. haha. The kid is as usual irritating, but The Rock v.funny!~ haha. was laughing during the movie, and also laughing at the person beside me whose laughter is so amusing. Lol. AND Burger King is ex de lor. argh. my heart bleeding ovr the four bucks burger, and i spent like half an hr trying to finish it?? haha. o. and I had forgotten tt GV is beside Northpoint, NOT inside. "/ haha. o. And handphones are really important for communication...xD
(Credits to the person who made this. I forgot who :X)
Monday, November 12, 2007
which means tt I can not spare anymore brain juices to blog too much. haha. cya~
Saturday, November 10, 2007
At compass the interchange I left my windbreaker on the bus :X then it's like Damn it and have to walk all the way back to the control stn. Then v.cool when we walk frm among the buses into civilisation. Lol.
Then for the first time I went to wanting's hse! haha. so tidy worhs. then v.airy de. orh and we took pics at orchard. haha. wanting gt post on her blog.
haiyas. v.lazy + tired to post much now. nxt time bahs~
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
actually dun really know wat to blog abt. lol. Im supposed to be mugging but cant help sticking to the com. watched a korean drama called hwang jin yi. not bad sia. haha. waiting for ISWAK2 to be shown~ Oh and there are info on the net saying that there may be another drama as an ending to the ko one and xfamily series.
o and i found this web with spastic stuff. it's a fan web whereby u click on the artiste you support. the more u support him then u wld spend more effort clicking la. haha. It's quite a mindless exercise actually. lol. if u are feeling bored then go click bah. haha. go to http://123fans.cn/wangdongcheng#ok to help me support Jiro! haha.
o and I found my best friend :) or rather my best friend found me. haha.
I found this on the web just now, v.interesting! haha. it wld only make sense to fans of X-Family and Jay Chou. lol. someone changed the lyrics of 牛仔很忙 to 夏天很忙.
鳴啦巴哈唸咒語 拍了終極的續集 從一班演到一家 維持時空的正義
我用吉他彈奏曲 順便唱個幾句 在水一方我的主題曲
鬼龍自戀又愛玩 飲料卻隻喝牛奶 不能夠靠他太近 因為被親會懷孕
死人老爸沒出息 雄哥恐怖料理 盟主我是不愛男人滴
不用再演了 不用再演了 不用再演不用再演了 不用再演了
終極鐵克人 給你當好了 每天變身夏天都累了 鬼龍也累了
不用再演了 不用再演了 寒是哪個冰心是哪個 都給我好了
大東我演的 鬼龍我演的 夏天很忙的
我好像還欠七百 我家還負債千萬 但編劇都沒說明 BUG太多都亂哩
網友常常會關心 盟主跳嚕嚕米 喔鬼鳳娘娘何時會駕臨
說脩寒會在一起 脩曾經跟我表明 除非是萬不得已 他彈琴不會談情
小蘭蘭露出肉體 但脫戲我更行 不信你看我進滅收視率
不用再演了 不用再演了 不用再演不用再演了 不用再演了
一次演五個 我都搞混了 每天拖戲網友都罵了 我也演亂了
不用再演了 不用再演了 鬼龍不見不用換裝了 真是太好了
大東我演的 鬼龍我演的 夏天很忙的
v.cute right! haha.
In this world there are people...
When they feel pain, they do not scream...
They don't even utter a single sound.
Are they hiding their sorrows behind their smiles?
Or have they changed the way they cry?
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
威廉:诶 强力胶 王子,你干嘛把自己的手粘在扫把上面啊?
王子:你白痴哦 我无聊看我自己的手不爽喔
威廉:干嘛问我 我又不是你的手 我怎么知道你的手爽不爽
王子:你不帮我就算了 你可不可以去找别人聊天啊 跟你讲话就有气
lol. xiao si wo le. can go to this link to watch this part. hahahahaha.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
he took scenes frm x-family and edited and put in subtitles in such a way to completely change the story. he/she made guilong and xiatian as 2 separate ppl who became friends. then I was so totally amazed la! u cn view the videos by clicking this link. the videos i watched are the 龍天系列series.
fans of Jiro go have a look! :D
the show 翻滚吧!蛋炒饭 acted by Jiro and Danson de main female character changed from Selina's sister to Zhuo Wen Xuan lo.
ISWAK 2 also have to wait until ISAWK play finish. sianz. watch ISAWK so many times liao.
wooo. F.I.R. de album v.nice sia. heard them on youtube. so far 月牙湾,三个心愿,需要你的爱,第十行星 are all v.nice! waiting for some kind soul to lend me~ or send me the songs...
ho hum. ytd was one of the worst days in my life.

Btw. Thanks to those who cared. Love ya all!
Don't worry abt me. as usual 死不了

But Im sorry. I have to keep things to myself.
Especially you.
Of all of them, I dote on you the most.
and so. I want you to be always happy,
always laughing,
always happy-go-lucky.
I don't want you to be burdened.
And you too, have to be happier too!

Thursday, October 25, 2007
一个人 我重新适应一切不方便
两个人 不一定就成全一个世界
直到自己没空气 才发现不能再继续
我不愿意 再为了讨你的欢心
Must I pretend that im someone else for all time
I can only take so much
These tears are turning me to rust
Take me as I am Or not at all
Cause it's my life
It's all or nothing
do you ever feel like breaking down
do you ever feel you are out of place
like somehow you just don't belong and no one understands you
do you ever wanna run away
do you lock yourself in your room
with the radio on turned up so loud
that no one hears you screaming
no you don't know what it's like
when nothing feels alright
you don't know what it's like
to be like me
to be hurt to feel lost to be left out in the dark
to be kicked when you're down to feel like you've been pushed around
to be on the edge of breaking down
and no one there's to save you
no you don't know what it's like
welcome to my life
do you want to be somebody else
are you sick of feeling so left out
are you desperate to find something more before your life is over
are you stuck inside a world you hate
are you sick of everyone around
with a big fake smile and stupid lies
but deep inside you're bleeding
no one ever lie straight to your face
and no one ever stab you in the back
you might think that im happy but im not going to be okay
everybody always get you what you wanted
you never had to work it was always there
you don't know what it's like what it's like
Im not born with a happy nature, nor brought up in the way to have one.
so basically, Im not a very happy person, nor do I have the ability to always make ppl happy.
everyone emo for a reason. dun just assume the person is emo-ing for no reason. it's hurting. when you are grumbling abt the emo periods, did it occur to you to ask, what is the matter? nt just chuck tt person aside and take it tt she doesnt exist.
it sparked off on that day.
she had been thinking about stuff the past few days.
tt day, alrd in a negative mood,
she went up,
as usual,
as routine,
as it should be,
as it had been for the past year.
only she and he was there.
she was nt there.
I sat behind them.
i waited.
and i waited.
and waited.
for them to include me in the conversation,
to ask me a question,
to say a joke,
to have eye contact,
as the minutes tick by.
they were still engrossed in their conversation.
without even a glance at me.
like I don't exist.
that hurts.
my heart hurts.
I smsed to a friend. the only friend.
"I feel like disappearing frm the world right now...
since no one wld ever care or even notice"
my tears dropped.
I kept my silence.
they continued their conversation.
and still
not even a glance at me.
I walked off.
I have my pride.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
today so relax sia. loiter in class until recess then i go wif usual gang go walk ard. then in the end arrived at avt 15min early.
listened to the choir's performance. i like rebecca, anissa and natania's voices! the whole performance v.gd. :)
then stayed in our seats for the nxt program: movie screening. it's Death Note 2! Finally cn watch liao sia. I watched the first movie long time ago and didnt have the chance to catch it. then now cn watch for free in air-con rm, cushioned seats with friends. :D but v.sad when L died. he's so cute and unique xD. lol. That Light makes my blood boil and that Misa, haix, so blinded. zzz.
O. today saw wenjia's friends dressing up as Misa and L. The one dresses up as L v.xiang! and she's a girl. haha. then they walk ard with the death note and apple and lollipops. lol.
argh. had to clear out lockers. zhong si wo le...
tmr still have chinese...T.T
never drink milk and then soymilk with less than a few hrs in between.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
today 3-5 and 3-6 watch The Village while the other classes having leadership workshops. haha. the show is quite nice, wif a simple story and plot. and that main guy character is just soooo coool~ @_@
THANKS to nadia who treated me to Ban Mian when Im broke and starving! haha. loves <3
woo. went to lib with nadia and wanting, then afterward go back hub wif nadia....talk....
argh. X-Family ending le. T.T she bu de nehx~ although after tt is ISWAK2 which also have Jiro and Aaron and which is a nice show, I wld still miss x-family! haha. WuZun appear lo, so wow sia. haha.
cant really say much so shall not post much. haha.
xiu and lanlingwang after bian-ing xiatian were both smiling like siao. xD
soooo funny.....
continue watching...

Monday, October 22, 2007
woooooo~ super cold now sia.
freezing seh...
searching for new blogskin
ma fan....
now so cold summore....
Friday, October 19, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
haha. but. xxxx xxxxx xxx xxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxx xxx xxxxx. xxxx. xxxx xxx. xxxx. xxxx. xxx xxxx xxxx xx xxx xxxxx xx xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxx. xxxx. xxx.

xfamily absolutely rawks~ love that show. and gui feng appeared :). but aww, xiongge disappeared, AND. AND AND AND. my beloved GUILONG also disappeared. T.T the kawaii and cool and shuai guilong that loves to drink milk~~

o. and now rewatching GTO. rmb? haha. it's the show 6years back. it's one of those rare shows that u wld still rmb years after u watched it. really love tt show sia. Onizuka so funny. haha.
watching 交响情人梦also. and Saiunkoku Monogatari, the anime made from my fav xiaoshuo series ^^. and also Cardcaptor Sakura again. wahahaha. love youtube~~

anyway. just now was watching some episodes of bai fen bai. My god! xiao zhu soooooo funny lah!! kept laughing like siao until breathless sia. haha. highly recommended for ppl who needs cheering up. haha. can be found at youtube. got lots of clips.
shall go and dig out more interesting youtube videos laaaaah!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
okay. the above post sounds a bit random. ah crap. nvm. just suddenly feel very emo (as in have a lot of qing xu) after reading the book. haha. "如骨鲠喉,不吐不快" XD
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
haha. anyway. was watching 樱野三加一. then got this dialouge between 2 guys, 范植伟 and 明道. v.cool when you are watching the video la.
woo. 黑糖玛奇朵 ended liao. v.short sia. nvm. brought me alot of entertainment. haha. still got a lot of dramas to watch! have 公主小妹,终极一家,恶女阿楚 and 樱野三加一。
okay. dun have much to post about la. brain still gong gong de from the hell-like life due to exams. haha. nxt time bah...
Saturday, October 06, 2007

Thursday, October 04, 2007
yoyo one and all. It's my pleasure to announce that I reformatted my com two nights ago and I'm extremely touched to say that it's working much faster and stopped hang-ing. im soooo gandong~~

Jiro zhen shi tai tai tai shuai le!~
argh. running extremely short on cash these few days - AND IT'S THE START OF THE MONTH NIA. and I got a lot of things I want buy.
hope that the sale in I.P.zone cn carry on until I've enough money to buy that jacket. must wait for me~ orh. and if anyone got Agent J and Leehom and F.I.R. new album and the song Shakalaka Baby by Kelly Poon, please send me!!!
Sunday, September 30, 2007

My head pain pain~~~ T.T

*points upwards* that's right. that's how I look like right now.
P.S. those kawaii pics I think is copyright de, so yah. Credits to them for expressing so many people's emotions so well! :D
Am I being emo nowadays? or am I just being myself? I dunno myself, to say the truth. anyway. currently felt that the word 'emo' nowadays are used quite in a negative context. I can't express it in words, but it's like it's just, well, bad to be emo. ah. im talking crap.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
“你有你的工作,你的朋友,而我却只有你。你有多余的时间,精力,金钱爱我,而我奉献给你的是我的全部。” from a dog's point of
view in a book written by 邝颖萱.
是否有人记得你 把你放在心上 在乎你
I shall be selfish, inconsiderate, heck-carish, self-centered and nonchalant. Life would be easier this way.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
recently addicted to ice cream again, for no reason. escpecially the hip hop jelly. haha. random.
Yay. JIUWU (i repeat, wanting, it's JiuWU NOT JiuLAI) finally appear le! as expected, he's cute and shuai cause is acted by Ya Lun what. whahaha.
hmph. kinda crazy these past few days. Either Im totally dead or suddenly v.high and crappy. cnt control sia.
anw. 蔷蔷 is really v.touching! sing to myself I will also cry. -.- haha. so here's the lyrics!
词:Ella 曲:Ella
还记得你喜欢咬着我的手 然后给我你嘴里的球
你喜欢我摸摸你的小耳朵 窝在我的身旁
没有烦忧 在梦里遨游
好狗狗 好狗狗 谢谢你陪妈咪这么久
你并没有离开我 是搬到天堂生活
蔷蔷 你要记得我 你不要走丢
快快找到天使 在天堂给我(们)保佑
蔷蔷 不要忘了我 还有亲爱的阿姨叔叔和你的朋友
蔷蔷 谢谢你
P.S. anw. i read abt the details in iweekly today. Ella's dog wasnt called this in the first place de. It's when it had a hormonal inbalance and then became very weak and easily sick, then Ella called it "蔷蔷" cause it sounds the same as "强强" so that it would become stronger and live on. It died during an operation due to allergy to the medication used.
P.S.S. ahhh!!!! FELT EVEN MORE SAD AFTER READING THIS. sigh. reminds me of my beloved Gutch. T.T
Sunday, September 16, 2007
黑糖玛奇朵 really v.nice! haha. like the couples 王子with鬼鬼,敖犬with大牙 alot. anw. that show is also kinda a bit real-life feel. i mean the starting point is spase la, it's not that often 6 guys have the same millionaire dad and didnt know it all along -.-. but those issues, especially those about friendship, can be quite heart wrenching - their acting is pretty good(although some of the girls' voices v.high pitched). and yet there are also many spastic and laugh-out-loud parts. but i dun think it's shown daily, so it's kinda torturous T.T
i think 公主小妹 is shown in taiwan now, today. so i think maybe tmr or tue it will be up on youtube le. :) watch the previews, seem like a nice show.
btw jacq. I did search for 18禁不禁 on youtube. But I see some videos and don't get the interest to watch leh. paiseh. :P
haha. this is just a random post lah. hehe. O! AND I FOUND THE FOURTH BOOK OF TOKYO LOVE STORY! WAHAHAHA!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
watched ep 28 of the x-family. when I watched the part where XiaYu gave his card to XiaMei and say all that brotherly stuff to her, I actually got a bit teary. He's so nice and sweet!! @_@ haha. anw. Arron appearing next episode on MONDAY! yay!
somehow I watched 黑糖玛奇朵 also. It's a school drama acted by LolliPop and HeiSeHui Mei Mei. Actually I havent't liked these 2 groups much de, then after watching the show it's really not bad :P. haha. currently on my "must watch regularly drams" list. lol. Really v.nice! Highly recommended :D
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
anw. heard the song [蔷蔷] wrote and sang by Ella and saw the mv. I CRIED. it's so sad~ T.T okay, for those who dun get wat i mean, it's a song about her dog qiang qiang who had passed away. she's selling the single and all profits will go to those funds for stray animals. I shall 呼吁 also. Pls help in whatever ways u cn to help the stray animals, like donating to SPCA or whatever, OR, at the very least, please do not be cruel to animals >.<
haha. rewatching cardcaptor sakura :P
and. High school musical 2 is nice! the movie+soundtrack.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
- 《爱的魔咒》
- 《纯情痞子男》
Sunday, August 19, 2007
after school went to j8 with wanting to pei her until 4.30 when her third lang starts. then i went to wenjia's hse on a whim. haha. ate there and most importantly chionged 5 episodes of The X-Family and some other mvs and shows. haha. so nice having a fast connection speed. stayed until abt 10. reached home at almost 11lo. lol. first time stayed out so late sia~ anw. after watching the episodes, i hereby announce that im in total huachi mode over Gui Long and crazy over the show. kept laughing like siao. haha.
Friday, 17 august - NAPFA
starting of my 大凶日. haix. shall not go into details. im totally hopless at standing broad jump! argh. sit and reach and pull-up was easy, and just chionged for sit-up. left with shuttle run lo.
signs of my bad luck: getting blue-blacks all over for no apparent reason and which hurts like hell, keep getting knocked by people young or old and tsking me when im the one getting knocked, AND feeling extremely hungry at the moment but there's nth to eat!,etc.
maybe watching Secret tmr again! haha. why not if there's the huge possibility of getting sponsored for? hehe. im evil. nvm. it's all for my JAY CHOU! wahahaha. (the writer of this post is in a weird high mode due to hunger gnawing and thus is currently incoherant. shall present my deepest apologies.)
Monday, August 13, 2007
Argh. Felt like crap at the moment. Kept sneezing the whole day. In this bright hot weather summore. Sianx. >.< eyes and throat v.pain also. WL. (had to give up my delicious nasia briyani~)
Ahh!!! How come so many dramas coming up! All around same time summore. I very tong ku knowing about them but can’t watch them . grrr. 终极一家的鬼龙好酷哦!~
Brain’s not v.clear at the moment. So shall post Umbrella de lyrics. I know it’s not v.new, but I want to post cause I realized that many people don’t know the lyrics and thus thought it to be a dumb song -.-:
Umbrella- Rihanna
You had my heart And we'll never be worlds apart
Saturday, August 11, 2007
离开地球表面 - 五月天
Friday, August 10, 2007
really ai si Wen le. she kept me company for whole day even when her mum had wanted her to pei her, and also many thanks to her mum for allowing her to pei me, knowing that i was alone. T.T tai gan dong le~ xie xie Jie! :D
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Watched Secret yesterday! SUPER nice! Simply love the show sia. The image, effects, costumes, music, plot, everything! The ‘secret’ was really unexpected. (Shh~ cant’t tell now.) I was watching wide-eyed throughout the movie, not wanting to miss a single part of it – that’s how engaging the film is (actually I closed my eyes at the part where he kissed the wrong person. :x cause I was so sheng qi. Haha). And Jay Chou is so talented sia. I seriously recommend this show, regardless you’re a Jay Chou fan or not. At the end of the show, I had this ‘really worth it’ feeling. Haha. Think I’m going to but the dvd when it comes out and add to my collection! Shall elaborate more on the film when it stopped playing in the theatres. :D
p.s. haha. Didn’t realize that my previous post was the HUNDREDTH one! Hehe. O. and HAPPY NATIONAL DAY!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
- shall post pic nxt time; currently blogger is not cooperating.
anyway. i tend to be a bit absent-minded sometimes, but i want all of my friends to know that, no matter what it may seems like, I really do care about all and each of you, never think that nobody cares or bothers, we just needed reminders, kaes? :D
Thursday, August 02, 2007
was seriously emotional on monday and tuesday. ppl were like why u 脸黑黑. hehe. anw on wed okay liao. just hav to tell myself tt i have to xue hui kan kai. haha. :D
realised tt I cnt study geog till v.late. result is having [(supersistious) a ghost on top of u; (scientifically) entire body cramped] super tong ku de worh.
Okay. this an extremely random post. paiseh. haha.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
on sat i went to my father's sis's husband's father 101 birthday. I was so seriously underaged there =.=. din have anything to talk wif my cousins also. boring..(although my cousin was cool playing the violin and there's a magician who looks like Li Wei Song there and my another cousin sang duet wif her bf XD)
today. MY ELDEST SIS ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL! Received call today that she was in A&E. scary worh. reason is she got bitten by a hamster -.-. then her hand start to swell and there were bumps appearing and she couldn't breathe. happened within 15min sia. doc actually said tt if she'd arrived later he wld be extremely stressed. she actually stopped breathing for periods of time. *shiver* she currently in hospital; hope she gets well soon..(and hope tt her bf won't kill the hamster...)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
I will be here for you forever... Won't leave unless you chase me away! XD
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
then i got my harry potter 7 when i reach home! hehe. i satrted reding at past 8 then read all the way to 4 plus am. haha. in the end i woke up at 4pm today. haha. the book quite short leh. not guo ying enough. but it's still my fav eng series. cant say wat i felt abt the book as there are ppl who havent read it, so shhh.
---general reply to tags----
thanks for loving me and complimenting me. hehe.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Wahahaha. Cause it’s MY birthday! Lalalala~
Haha. Firstly, I want to thank those who sent me birthday greetings via sms. In order, Wei Ching, Nadia, Wen Jia, Wen, Jean, Jacq, Yu Xiang, Sarah, Ivan, Dennis, Wan Ting, Sin Ying, Gang Hao, Daphne, Lynette! Secondly, those who wished me happy birthday, even when we don’t know each other v.well :P haha.
Heartfelt thanks to my beloved friends who worked to give me a surprise and make this day a memorable one for me. Actually letting Wen Jia to distract me -.-^. Lol. So funny! They so cute, got me so many things, and all are in purple! Haha. Was especially touched (to wei ching: NOT molested!) when I read the super big confessions card with 10 confessions of the heart of my dearest friends: Wen, TingTing, 孙孙, 蛋糕, Wei Ching, Nadia, Hueit, Daph, 大美女 and Sarah. Reading their short but sweet 爱的宣言s, I was really touched to tears. It would be something that I would treasure for years to come.
I bought cakes and a lighter (to replace candles which I could not find) for Wen Jia’s and Ivan’s super belated birthday. Cause I strongly believe in having a cake which would mean have candles, which mean that you could blow them out, which mean that you have made your wishes. Hehe. Then Wen Jia and afterwards Ivan actually made the same two wishes which could be voiced out. Haha. Then after wards I also made the same two wishes. Hehe. :D
~ End of番外 ~
Then we went to Causeway Point after some deliberation. Cause moi, the birthday girl, wants to take neoprints! Haha. Then the one at Junction 8 and Plaza Sing closed down liao. Then it’s already in the late afternoon, and thus, we chosen to go there. Haha. I took 3 times sia. AND. Many people still haven’t return me my money -.-. haha.
Once more, I shall give a salute and bow to those who contributed to this memorable day with my deepest appreciation. I would remember this day. ^^ AI SI NI MEN LE <3!
P.S. Congratulations to TingTing who topped Geography for CA2! Keep it up! :D
P.S.S. Suddenly realized that NAPFA 2.4 is tmr…
Friday, July 13, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
today saw 换换爱 acted by Rainie Yang and Mike He, on Ts's shop's tv. although only a short clip, but it's so cute and funny!!!!!!!! haha. Mike is more shuai then ever. lol. argh. but now only part one is out and it alrd cost more than 20 bucks sia. grrrr. i shall bear with it until all the parts are out and the prices start dropping then i buy. hehe. kk. i know im rambling on with no topic sentence. nvm. que sera sera!!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
tmr is my turn for oral! no feel sia~ so late. zzzz.
o. had a nightmare on friday. T.T cried like siao. >.< then had a long phone call lasting 3hours 57min. new record. lol.
haha. j8 de sweetalk's cashier shi twit de. hehe. random
it's comic connections...not mini toons....random
i bought last bk of Fruit Basket! random
shen diao xia lv only cost $19.90! im gg to buy ^^
anyone has high school musical de ost? i want.... lol.
that's it. list of random things. :D
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
omg. this is like so true lah. except for the wan-ren-mi part la. i not tt zi lian =.=. haha.
btw. I have mood swings recently due to xiaohong coming to visit so if u know u not at wrong then hope u dun take it to mind, BUT if u are wrong then duh of course please repent. hehe.
watch High School Musical today! i know tt's v.slow. haha. but i kept missing it when disney channel plays it so until now then watch. haha. nxt week like cn bring own movie leh. wahaha. my cca is shuang de lorh. watch movie in air con rm.
finally got 'maria' and 'byul' today! the songs i really like from the 200pounds beauty movie. yayy!
just received the IC info letter. then only then really really realise tt my birthday is coming!! wahahaha. which also means napfa is coming and screening of HP: Order of the Phoenix coming and receiving the latest HP books in the mail and my mum's birthday is coming and also racial harmony day is coming. O. and also my OLvl Oral coming. hehe. nan de this year july busy mth worhs. \(^o^)/ haha.
to those who alrd taken their oral and are happy:
Congrats! zai jie zai li! *hi-5*
to those who alrd taken their oral and are unhappy:
Don't worry! It's not as bad as you think! There is still the paper to catch up on! ^^ *hugs*
to those who havent taken their oral and are nervous:
relax and just do your best! good luck! *shakes hands*
sianx~ p.e. tmr~ AND EXTRA LESSONS tmr! crappy day...
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
so it was just sleep.eat.tv.xiaoshuo. I now watching Shou Zu(v.funny! I like Jesseca. But tt guy lead de acting really raise goosebumps =.=^) and Shen Diao Xia Lv (chao hao kan! guo-er shuai and xiao long nv chio. but so damn irritated with tt Guo Fu. she v.noisy sia...)
o. and i dun respond to alarms anymore. T.T i had been trying the past 2 weeks to wake up by setting alarms then waking up at about 12pm, way past the alarm time, AND do not have any memory of responding to the alarm. zen me ban~ scarcely i first day sch reopen late how~~ sigh.
nvm. Que sera sera! :D
Friday, June 22, 2007
Overall: 22!
(i now in a hurry...)
Monday, June 18, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
o. ahahaha. rmb (refer to my prev post) tt I had 64 xiao shuos lined up? *gives maniac laugh* now i hereby annouce the joining of another 38 xiao shuos, which means 64+38=102. =_=...
anw. on the back of one of the xiao shuos i borrowed, there's this page on the publisher and such, then i saw this:
this book quite nice ^^ although the title is spastic. the female character is more 'man' and is a v.pro fighter, diff frm most other xiao shuos. author of 《谁是谁的周杰伦》. haha.
and thanks to the ppl who cared abt my emotions state ^^.
Monday, June 11, 2007
(the gift is given by her boyfriend as bday present...)
anyway. here's a paragraph from one of the xiao shuos I had loaded, it tickled me for some reason XD:- (‘银圣’is ‘我’的男朋友)
“┬ ^ ┬ 除了这个之外。”
“ 没有了。”
“我想那天和银圣一起去东海岸玩。” 我甜蜜地幻想着。
LOL. so funny. XD
Spastic Joke of the Day:
为什么烟火动不到星星? 答:因为星星会闪!
argh. now for some reflection(dunno use this word correct anot. ah. who cares.) time.
Mind has been a total blur since that day de stupid sms by some stupid person. I mean, the past few days are not totally that person's fault, but it sort of started or triggered the period of emoness that lasted even until now. Had not been able to get rid of the burden tt message brought, then things just got piled up. i mean i really hate to get emo. haix. nvm. now hols chen ji emo at home where i won't affect ppl. haha. zzz. my mind'd been v.luan and i cant think straight. i dun even know what the hell im luan-ing about. -.-^ days just went by w/o much awareness from me. and i cant talk to anyone about these. i mean rationally, I aga-aga got an idea why I am 'less-than-happy', but emotionally, i still find it hard to get around it. ... ... nvm. Im in the process of growing up~ who cares.
oops. kinda realise tt I seemed to talk too much :X
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
That's US. ^^
Thursday, May 31, 2007
You Don't Have a Boyfriend Because You are Too Shy |
When a guy gets to know you, he finds a great catch Problem is... you're too shy for most guys to get to know. From meeting someone to dating, you usually have your guard up. And while you're just holding back, it makes you seem like you've got something to hide. |
You Are 19 Years Old |
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. |
You Are 20% Shy |
You aren't shy at all, in fact, you're probably quite outgoing. You are comfortable in almost any social situation, no matter how difficult. |
You Are 16% Cynical |
Cynical? Not even close! If anything, you're a bit naive. Overall, you enjoy life and try not to be paranoid. Even if you've been burned before. |
You Are a Mermaid |
You are a total daydreamer, and people tend to think you're flakier than you actually are. While your head is often in the clouds, you'll always come back to earth to help someone in need. Beyond being a caring person, you are also very intelligent and rational. You understand the connections of the universe better than almost anyone else. |
You Are 93% Pure |
You're so pure ... you make a nun look like a whore! There's a lot of life's dark side left for you to experience... if you want to. |
You Are an Orange Rose |
You represent desire and enthusiasm Your vibe: Sexy yet familiar Falling in love with you: happens instantly - it's a fast ride |
You Should Rule Saturn |
Saturn is a mysterious planet that can rarely be seen with the naked eye. You are perfect to rule Saturn because like its rings, you don't always follow the rules of nature. And like Saturn, to really be able to understand you, someone delve beyond your appearance. You are not an easy person to befriend. However, once you enter a friendship, you'll be a friend for life. You think slowly but deeply. You only gain great understanding after a situation has past. |
You Are 68% Grown Up, 32% Kid |
Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature. Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed. |
You Are a Very Good Girl |
You are 90% Good and 10% Bad You're a perfect angel - almost impossibly so Don't you ever feel like being a little bad?!? |
Your Hidden Talent |
You're super sensitive and easily able to understand situations. You tend to solve complex problems in a flash, without needing a lot of facts. Decision making is easy for you. You have killer intuition. The right path is always clear, and you're a bit of a visionary. |
You Are An ESFP |
The Performer You are a natural performer and happiest when you're entertaining others. A great friend, you are generous, fun-loving and optimistic. You love to laugh - and you like almost all people equally. You accept life as it is, and you do your best to make each day fantastic. You would make a good actor, designer, or counselor. |
You Are Pretty Happy |
You generally have a happy, fulfilling life. But things could be a little better, and deep down, you know it. Maybe you need more supportive friends or a more challenging career. Something is preventing you from being totally happy. You just need to figure out what it is! |
Your Interpersonal Intelligence Score: 83% |
Your Interpersonal Intelligence is Very High You go beyond being a "people person." Connecting with people is the most important thing in your life. You're empathetic, friendly, and outgoing. You are the kind of friend people dream of having. Your interpersonal intelligence is a gift. And you use it well. |
Your Depression Level: 24% |
You may be depressed. While you can be moody, your moods generally fall within the range of normal. It's up to you to decide if you're depressed... or if you're simply having a bad week. |
You Are Apple Red |
You're never one to take life too seriously, and because of it, you're a ton of fun. And although you have a great sense of humor, you are never superficial. Deep and caring, you do like to get to the core of people - to understand them well. However, any probing you do is light hearted and fun, sometimes causing people to misjudge you. |
Your Pride Quotient: 45% |
You have your proud moments, but you're also likely to be a little ashamed of them. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's normal to want to make a stellar impression. |
You Are 66% Feminine, 34% Masculine |
You are in touch with your feminine side. Sensitive, intuitive, and caring are all words that describe you. And you're just masculine enough to relate to both men and women. |
Your Love is Represented by a White Rose |
While you may or may not be totally naive, you do approach love with an eternal innocence. You love like you've never been hurt. And you put all your faith in your partner. Your philosophy on love is: be honest and be yourself. |
You Are: 70% Dog, 30% Cat |
You and dogs definitely have a lot in common. You're both goofy, happy, and content with the small things in life. However, you're definitely not as needy as the average dog. You need your down time occasionally. |
Your Sensitivity Score: 57% |
As far as sensitivity goes, you're a lot more in tune than most people. You can't help but be touched by what's around you - good and bad. But when things do get really bad around you, you are strong enough not to break down. |
You Are A Realistic Romantic |
It's easy for you to get swept away by romance... But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective. You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line! |
You Are Wolverine |
Small but fierce, you're a great fighter. Watch out! You are often you're own greatest enemy. Powers: Adamantium claws, keen senses, the ability to heal quickly |
You Would Do a Little For Love |
Yes, love is important to you. But you also want to be loved for who you are. So you won't be doing a lot of changing or sacrificing for love. If you're not good enough as is, then it's not really love. |
Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ESFP) |
Your personality type is playful, charming, open minded, and energetic. Only about 7% of all people have your personality, including 9% of all women and 5% of all men You are Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving. |
You Are 30% Selfish |
In general, you are a very giving person who treats others very well. But at times, you insist on getting your way - when it matters most to you. |
You Are Wind |
Strong and overpowering A force to be reckoned with, no one dares cross you You have the power to change everything around you You are best known for: your wrath Your dominant state: commanding |
You Are a Good Friend Because You're Loyal |
And part of your loyalty means that you'll do a lot for your friends. You definitely go the extra mile.You'll even do great things for friends without them asking. After all, that's what friendship is all about. You are truly a friend for life. And you have friends you've known since you were a kid.Your friends can count on you to do a favor, remember a birthday, or just be there to listen. Your friends need you most when: They can't turn to anyone else You really can't be friends with: Fickle people who change friends quickly Your friendship quote: "Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows." |
You Are 28% Girly |
You are a pretty hardcore tomboy, and a very free spirit. Gender roles be dammed, you like to do things your way. |
Your Birthdate: July 17 |
You love being in love... so much so that it's very hard for you to be single. Unfortunately, it's difficult for you to stay in love over time. Too many people intrigue you! Only your true love will be able to keep you interested over time. Number of True Loves You'll Have: 1 Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 4 You are most compatible with people born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th of the month. |