how old should you really be gettingmarried? (Just put an x next to thethings that apply to you.)[x] know how to make a pot of coffee.[x] I keep track of dates using acalender.[ ] I own more than one credit/debitcard.[ ] I know how to change the oil in mycar.[x] I do my own laundry.[ ] I vote every election.[x ] I can cook for myself[ ] I think politics are exciting.[ ] I balance my checkbook.[ ] My parents have better things tosay than my 4[x] I show up for school/college/workevery day early.[ ] I always carry a pen in mypocket/purse.[x] I've never gotten a detention.[x] I have never smoked a cigarette.[x] I have never gotten completelytrashed.[ ] I have forgotten my own birthday atleast once.[ ] I like to take walks by myself.[x] I've watched talk shows.[x] I know what 'credibility' meanswithout looking it up.[ ] I drink coffee at least once 6[x] I know how to do the dishes.[x] I can count to 10 in anotherlanguage.[ ] When I say I'm going to dosomething I do it.[ ] My parents always trust me.[ ] I can mow the lawn.[x] I can make adults laugh withoutbeing stupid.[ ] I remember to water the plants.[ ] I study when I have to.[ ] I always pay attention atschool/college.[ ] I remember to feed my 3[x] can spell 'experience' withoutlooking it up[ ] I work out on a regular basis.[x] I clean up my own mess.[ ] The people at Starbucks know me byname.[ ] My favorite kind of food is takeout.[x] I have gained weight sincemiddle/high school.[ ] The first thing I do when I wake upis get caffeine.[x] I can go to the store withoutgetting something I don't need.[ ] I understand political jokes thefirst time they are said.[x] I can type 5[ ] I have realized that the weatherforecast changes every hour.[ ] My only friends are from my placeof employment.[ ] I have been to a tupperware party.[ ] I have realized that no one willtake you seriously unless you are overthe age of 25 and have a job.[ ] I have more bills than I can pay.[ ] All my friends are older than I am.[x] I can say no to staying out allnight.[x] I use the internet every day.[x] My wardrobe hasn't changed in awhile.[x] I can read a book and actuallyfinish 4
Overall: 22!
(i now in a hurry...)
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