seriously, after a few more major 打击, a person wld become more immune to smaller, everyday ones. i also dunno whether that's gd or bad. :/ i suppose tt's gd, in a way, becuz at least you won't feel like you can't breathe everyday.
it's not going to work if everyone is emo and everyone dun feel like cheering the emo ppl becuz they are emo themselves. and the emo ppl continue emoing becuz no one bothers to cheer them up. and when everyone is emo everybody elses also becomes emo. get my drift? it's a, as mrs goh said, a vicious cycle. -.- ah crap. nvm. i've been fufilling at least partially my resolution to be evil (refer to earlier posts), and so I shall 振作and 重出江湖!!!

hahahaha. X-Family is sooooo funny. 誓死如龟!!! xD
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