and this scene is so sweet:

and I'm officially BORED with Pandamen. Sorry Jay, the main leads cannot attract my interest ==
Down with Love is cute! 小娴's acting was very good. The scene where she caught Yang Guo giving out the pads with Yu Ping made me go lol. and Jerry Yan really dumped his cool image into the drain with all his expressions :D
watching the new drama 偷心大圣PS男. I used to find Blue hot in 福气又安康, but his hair in this show is like, eww, maggie mee == and 小八imitating小S in this show is so funny. I think she does the best imitation of her out of so many who did. that 你读很多书你去抱 is just like what 小S will say xD but the imitation of 蔡康永is still bad. I still haven't seen an imitation that really captures the essence. they kind of tend to depict him as just gayish ==|||
anyway because Blue's character in the show is irritating and therefore I like SuiTang's character in the show which is to make life difficult for him xD muahahaha. and I just realised that SuiTang and another male lead Wen Sheng Hao were a couple in another show called 那一年的幸福时光 xD
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