

"I do [think Snape is a hero], though a very flawed hero.
An anti-hero, perhaps.
He is not a particularly likeable man in many ways.
He remains rather cruel, a bully, riddled with bitterness and insecurity –
and yet he loved, and showed loyalty to that love and, ultimately, laid down his life because of it."

-- J.K. Rowling

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

I'm missing Wormie, Jacq, Wen, WanTing, WeiChing, Hueiting, Ivan, Wenjia, Jean, Chiu, Ganesh, Nigel, Yuxiang, Aliya, Huixian, Syat, Afiqa, etc, and even Mr Chan, Ms Leow, and Mrs Poh.
Once an Andersonian, always an Andersonian.

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