was inspired by nadia printing 120+ photos the other day. so I printed 166 photos and bought a very nice and ornate-feel photo album (which cost a bomb T.T) for all those photos. And I realised I printed a lot of photos with eyecandy xD hee. and of course many other photos with my qin ai des.
anw. would you people mind if we celebrate wanting's birthday + Ivan's birthday + Valentine's Day on well, Valentine's Day? :x Or just celebrate V-day on V-day and celebrate WT + Ivan's birthday on 21 Feb (sunday) or you all free on weekdays??????? ARGHHH. IM GOING CRAZY. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU ALL WANT. AND SI WANTING. DUMP EVERYTHING ON ME! YOU THINK SO EASY TO SQUEEZE OUT A TIME FOR AJC+NYJC+HCJC PPL+ME ARH, HUH? (keeps repeating siwantingsiwantingsiwantingsiwanting ==)
haha. jk la. me love you all enough to make all this worthwhile =D and anw, as Wen said long ago, si wanting sounds very shun kou xD
irritated by flamers on Jacq's blog. hmph. dunno my zhu-jie and still say so much crap. 要不是一个tag只可以写一两句话麻烦到要死,我早就为了捍卫朱姐的人格而开骂了。*gives the fierce look and show my fist* haha. was reminded of this scenario in a xiao shuo I read some time ago:
A: *shows her open palm* What is this?
B: A palm
A:*points to B's cheek* What is this?
B: My face
A: What is it when this two adds up together?
B: A slap
败犬女王 is actually very nice leh! Didn't want to watch the show cause the female lead is a well, over 30 years old liao. :X haha. so expected the show to be boring. But decided to watch the show after watching some parts of it and realised it's worth a watch :D and Lucas is so shuai+sweet+romantic in the show! and I keep remembering a line in the show, whereby the female lead's colleague was saying, "都一把年纪老kok kok了", and I just can't stop lol-ing.
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