yoyo. here's a series of things i want to say.. cuz the last few days had been a blur due to my illness they shall be in bits and pieces...
- weiching. Take care of yourself worhs. Maybe find something to eat on the bus or listen to music so u wld be distracted on the bus. else if this carries on it's gg to be v.damaging to ur health and i wld be very dan xin worhs. ^^ jiayous! and thanks for ur concern! AI SI NI LE <3
- wen. omg. i was sosososososososososoosososo touched on friday!!!! it happens like this; me, wanting,weiching and her were at j8. when we reached j8 she was like asking is there any watson's or guardian somewhere here. then we go watson's. at there she was like she forgotten wat she wn to buy, just tt the brand starts with 'R' and it's orange and it's healthy and it's for consumption. then when she found tt it's redoxon(izzit spelled like this??) me wt and wc were like who she buying it for?? and wc say tt she knows and it's a guy and she wun tell. when we asked wen she also didnt say anything and went to paid for it. then after paying she handed tt box to me. at tt moment i was totally surprised. i was like 'for me?? really??' LOL. she say it's v.gd for flu. omg. I was so gandong~ T.T AI SI NI LE <3
- finally 遇到传说中虽然是中二但是身材魁梧甚至比中四的死白痴还要高(虽不是件特别骄傲的事)还与他对峙过,讲义气,和婉婷无所不谈,现在还是穿着短裤的 AH PEK! on friday we go lib. haha.at first it's wc and wen go talk de. me and wt were like hiding behind the book shelves looking through the gaps. we were SPASTIC. haha. then somehow i kana dragged into it also. XD LOL.
*clears throat* I hereby extend my deepest apologies to the innocent people who were directly or indirectly affected by our craziness, and I would also like to make it clear that, We, are NOT stalkers. Thank You.
- i was saying to wanting when wc and wen are in the toilet tt wc is getting more and more chio le. turns out tt i can extra-pollate (spelled this way? wanting taught me de), cause got guy ask for her NUMBER. haha. im so honoured to be a friend of a chio bu. *takes a deep bow*. haha. i read wc's blog and saw tt she kop a post from wen's blog. but she purposely left out the part abt tt guy wanting her hp number. haha. and she keep insisting, despite me and wen's insisting otherwise, tt the guy did not ask her for her number. tsk tsk. Stop being so humble lah, CHIOBU. haha.
- HOHOHO. i finished ALL my xiao shuos le. whahahaha.
-to all those concerned about my 病情, thank you. i had taken lots of vitamin c (thanks to wen) and pi pa gao. simply speaking im much better than ytd, at least i can type this looong post, i dun feel like dying every min and tt i can finally breathe though my nostrils. only thing is tt I had lost my sense of taste T.T. and the most important thing is that,.... I MISS MY CHOCOLATE AND JUNK FOOD! T.T (got the hint? *wink**wink* btw. i prefer normal choc or dark choc with hazelnuts. no milk choc.)
p.s. something's wrong with the post. after the ai si my friends part, no matter how many times I edited it, the font & size still comes out wrong. haha. 宽宏大量的你们一定不会介意吧!^^
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