

"I do [think Snape is a hero], though a very flawed hero.
An anti-hero, perhaps.
He is not a particularly likeable man in many ways.
He remains rather cruel, a bully, riddled with bitterness and insecurity –
and yet he loved, and showed loyalty to that love and, ultimately, laid down his life because of it."

-- J.K. Rowling

Sunday, December 10, 2006


I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates of my posts. Paisehs >.<
I haven’t been able to access the Internet properly before this, so the growing of cobwebs around here is really against my wishes (sweeps away the cobwebs).

BUT. I haven’t forgotten all of you!!! I have been keeping busy, preparing Christmas presents for you people. Proper gifts, each unique to the receiver, and thus, burning a big hole in my pocket. Sad for me, the hole is going to get bigger as I haven’t finish gift shopping for everyone. (T.T) I am giving the presents to 14 people (not including my family members), and if we estimate spending $5 on each person, it will be a whopping sum of $70. AND, the $5 is not including the wrapping boxes, envelopes, gift tags, cards, packaging and candies. AND, that would mean I have to without my Famous Amos Chocolate Chips with Pecans for the next few weeks! T.T

O. And I got fitted for a pair of new specs! Purple ones, getting it on Tuesday. I’m also thinking of having a cut to thin my hair at the end of this month, so I would be going to school with a ‘new’ look! (Not that much difference lah…) haha.

Ran into a few of my primary school friends the last few days, Yehan and Yexun at J8, and Brenda yesterday, also at J8.

There is probably a primary school class gathering this month. There should be even more people this time round. It’s going to be either ice-skating or bowling…

It was Sarah’s birthday yesterday, 9 Dec. I was unable to celebrate her birthday togeher or give her her present, or send her a birthday sms on time. >.< sorry... Happy Belated Birthday!

Wahaha! is going to be shown on Channel 56! Yeah! That means I don’t have to spend $40 buying it. ^^ Speaking of dramas, 花样少年少女is very nice! It has some of my fave cast such as Chun, Jiro, Tang Yu Zhe and Ella. The only one missing is my dear Aaron (looks at my blogskin with shimmering eyes…). Nvm. It’s still a very nice show!!!
Some info for interested people…:-
盧瑞莃 ( ELLA 飾 ) 18歲,活潑、運動萬能的瑞莃。
左以泉 ( 吳 尊 飾 ) 18歲,瑞莃的室友。
金秀伊 ( 汪東城 飾 ) 18歲,因對瑞莃感到心動而煩惱的同學。
梁思南 ( 唐禹哲 飾 ) 19歲,櫻開學院的宿舍長。

I have been looking though the letters and notes I received from friends in primary school and now. I realized that many described me as ‘nice’ (not to be thick-skinned or anything). Why ‘nice’? (sinks into deep thinking)……

Wah. I have written a long post. Haha. Bye until next time!

都可以随便的 你说的我都愿意去
都可以是真的 你说的我都会相信
细腻的喜欢 毛毯般的厚重感
分享热汤 我们两支汤匙一个碗
我想说其实你很好 你自己却不知道
真心的对我好 不要求回报
打从心里暖暖的 你比自己更重要
回忆里满足的旋律 你手掌的厚实感
我哼着歌 你自然的就接下一段
从来都很低调 自信心不高

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