

"I do [think Snape is a hero], though a very flawed hero.
An anti-hero, perhaps.
He is not a particularly likeable man in many ways.
He remains rather cruel, a bully, riddled with bitterness and insecurity –
and yet he loved, and showed loyalty to that love and, ultimately, laid down his life because of it."

-- J.K. Rowling

Friday, October 17, 2014

3 grand essentials of happiness

"The three grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, someone to love, and something to hope for. "
-Alexander Chalmers

Thursday, July 17, 2014


So it's true that when you don't expect to be treated like something, you won't be anything.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


想想看,单单Social Thought and Theory好了,我要怎么阅读、理解再加上用自己的话来些文章呢?

大家最熟悉的 卡·马克 所想出和致力于的共产主其实字面上的翻译也存在着误差。他坚信当时资本主义系统是非人道而且因为其奴役性必定被推翻。这学期我们从他和弗里德里希·恩格斯一起撰写的《1844年经济学哲学手稿》、《德意志意识形态》、《资本论》来理解一向被误解的马克思主义,并了解到即使他极力推动革命,但其原意是为了全人类的自由。

社会学的开拓者 爱米尔·涂尔广为人知的机能主义。他坚信社会学的独特性和科学性。他通过《社会学方法的规则》奠基了如何研究探讨社会现象,规定何为社会事实和集体意。他在《社会分工论》表明正确的社会分工是可取的。他通过《自杀论》来证实社会事实的存在和社会学的科学性;因为他相信如果自杀-这最个人的举动,能够被证实为一种社会事实的话,社会学的科学性和特定性就会被证实。

我们最后接触的现代社会学家是 马克斯·韦伯。他在《新教伦理与资本主义精神》里试图证实西方资本主义的由来。他相信资本主义的由来一定是由某一些人开始推动的并且通过研究历史文物找出新教伦理和资本主义精神的关联。他最后的结论是,即使最初的资产阶级有着宗教信仰和理念,但是所产生的资本主义系统经过演变已失去其宗教热情只剩一个极其合理化且无法推翻的铁笼。

Okay what is this crap that I've written. Anyway these 3 authors are namely Karl Marx, Durkheim, and Max Weber fyi if anybody actually read through all of that lol. The point is, academic subject matter are easier to understand and write in English, because of the expandability of the language, as many of the writers wrote in different languages and there is always the problem of translation. Anyway can you imagine trying to write like 2-3 essays in 2 hours for exams in Chinese for sociology? >.< I would probably hyperventilate just from trying to memorize the authors' names and the title of their works and their theories.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014


I've got a blueberry chocolate tart today~

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Why some people are such assholes

S: Why? You did anything wrong?
Me: I stayed home during the weekends.

One of the most ridic wrong I did tbh.

I need to breathe.
I hate conflict.
I hate negative feelings.
I hate unfairness.
I hate bullying.
I hate verbal and emotional abuse.
I hate threats,
I hate it.
I really really hate it.
I need to breathe.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Queen is above y'all petty politics

Forever indignant that Queen Yuna lost to someone who stumbled on the ice. So in Sochi people can actually improve a whole 20 points from your last performance a month ago. Certain individuals only of course. Oh and you can also get a 0 for a  perfectly clean jump. Wow Sochi. Wow.

And it's a pity that Mao Asada got marked down too. Apparently she had the highest potential base score, and although her SP was not the best, her FP this time was pretty awesome. It's a pity that she's not on the podium.

Not going to watch Ice Figure skating again. Started watching it for Kim Yuna, gonna stop cause no more Kim Yuna. Buai.