la la la~ all 3 shows hitting the climax in the latest episode!
I must express my exasperation with Hi My Sweetheart. It's like, yay, BaoZhu finally manages to tell DaLang that she was unable to turn up for the date 3 years ago cause she's unconscious in the hospital, and she had loved him all this while. So, misunderstanding cleared and we can move on right? but no no, DaLang doesn't believes her. So he has to wait until BaoZhu finds out by herself that he has been lying to her all this while. But still, Rainie's acting in the part whereby she meets DaLang and then DaLang runs off and disappears quite moving. especially when she's crying and saying "为什么要出现?为什么又要消失?" T.T
Whereas for Momo love, it's blahblahblah (actually quite funny the way ShiLang is. He keeps quiet about everything, and you never know what are his feelings towards you cause he doesn't voice them out, but he will suddenly just kiss you on the lips xD) then suddenly end of episode, BOMB! IT'S POSSIBLE THAT SHILANG AND TAOHUA ARE SIBILINGS! OMFG. I was seriously gg wtf and going NOOOOO~ then I saw what ShiLang says to TaoHua in the preview:
我们没有婚礼 不能结婚生子
T.T sadded. Even though it's just fictitious but you gotta admire ShiLang's courage. Please don't end a love comedy with such an emo ending.
As for Autumn's Concerto, woohoo! the bubble bursts. Vanness's acting really improved by leaps. He managed to portray the remembers-everything-and-is-full-of-angst-GuangXi in a pretty smooth manner. Especially the part where he says to MuCheng: "我要你知道 找回我的记忆是我的幸运 但这会变成你的不幸", wah. Shuai. and obviously he's not on good terms with MuCheng la. But don't feel as bad watching this preview as compared to the other shows cause GuangXi, no matter what revenge he is going to take, still loves XiaoLe alot, so things shouldn't be that bad. And usually SET shows have happy endings ^^
I found these two screenshots very funny when watching the behind-the-scenes for Autumn's Concerto:

MuCheng&TuoYe V.S. GuangXi&his mum xD

New show coming up! Should be watching it cause of 陈楚河(Dylan!!!!) and one of the female leads who is a japanese actress acting as the main female lead in Cape No.7.

Heard that Momo Love and Hi My Sweetheart is rushing to end to put up the respective new shows cause of Autumn's Concerto's high ratings. Which would mean that the above show and the show 就想赖着你 by Jerry Yan and Ella are showing soon!
and I saw the new MV by Show Luo. Cool packaging and dance, but. THE TUNE IS SO DAMN BORING AND MUNDANE! == hope the rest of the songs sounds better.