helllloooo. Havent posted in ages.
Went to my third aunt's house on chu yi. The food there is godlike~ They are not just food, but delicacies made without consideration of the ingredients costs. Hanged around there, watching tv, eatin as many snacks as possible. wasn't very active cause not many relatives came tt day.
Chu er- was kicked out of the house by my dad cause he says dun brood at home for new year ==|| so I tag along with my eldest sis and her husband. and we went to third aunt's hse again. today got more people. ate awesome food again. Then played blackjack with my cousin Mark's friends. Only played a bit cause I've been having bad luck D: and I reached the conclusion that year 2009 is a bad year for moi. then we met up with my second sis and we go over to the gambling den of my eldest sis's friend. they've already started playing and the bets were like $700++ PER game o.O everyone has this STACK of $50 notes in their hand. in the end we opened up a kiddy corner xD haha. the bets were $2min and $10 max. but keep having people who wants to have no limit de. and he/she was playing $50 per bet??? they taught a different game. and i keep getting blackjack cards which are of no use in the game. == but when we switch to blackjack, i also keep losing ==||| crapp.
chu san- went to my youngest aunt's house. I had to go down to the swimming pool cause my niece is swimming. yes, my 5months old niece x) haha. gotta be in the water for her safety. she very cute! just kicking ard with float. and amazingly she's not afraid to be in the water. then we played blackjack with our relatives. hoho. i won over $20 xD cause my third aunt's the banker, and she also says that new year the banker lose then fun mah. ^^
today- received the posting sms. wasn't surprised to get into my first choice cause I have no difficulty in making the cut-off. fyi, it's nanyang poly, hospitality and resort management. shared the news with my partner and he also told me he got into VJ. IM SO PROUD OF HIM! had our first 4/5 class gathering at east coast today. and we call the 2 diff groups of ppl at 2 diff pits 4/5A and 4/5B x) hee. I was at 4/5B! hahahaa. it was damn windy. and we were there until ard 10. upload the photos next time. luckily I have my sis to fetch me else have to walk damn far sia. cause out pits are all the way at end (65 and 66).
got new show 协奏曲 by eddie peng!! but couldn't get the 'feel' to watch it leh. missing spastic and fun shows with shuai-ges such as The X-Family and KO ONE.
cheer up wormie! It's the attitude that matters. Look at it positively and you will still have a great JC life. moreover you will always have me close by! (literally) :)
"I do [think Snape is a hero], though a very flawed hero.
An anti-hero, perhaps.
He is not a particularly likeable man in many ways.
He remains rather cruel, a bully, riddled with bitterness and insecurity –
and yet he loved, and showed loyalty to that love and, ultimately, laid down his life because of it."
-- J.K. Rowling
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
new dramas alert!
- 心星的泪光 acted by Jerry Yan, Guan Ying and Zeng Kai Xuan is out already. Up to ep 2 lo.
- 终极三国 going to be out soon. It's the 3rd drama of the 终极系列. BUT. THE MAIN CHARACTERS NOT FAHRENHEIT!!! ARGHHHH. I will probably watch selectively when it comes out. The main characters are mostly quite new people who act as pei jiao in other shows like hotshot and the x-family, such as Hu Yu Wei and Xiu. Yalun, Jiro, Calvin they all are only 客串ing. SADDDD. but got Jin Bao San though xD
oh and Danson also got new album. But like very silent like that :X ah well. Fahrenheit's new album selling can le :D muhahahha.
did some last min CNY shopping with Jacq the other day :D many thanks for coming out and pei-ing me at such a short notice :D and in the end buying even more clothes xD hee. ai si ni le <3
anw was able to buy clothes cause lucky my youngest aunt came and rewarded me for my 'O' levels results :)
kayy. forgot what I wanted to say. so, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! (I refuse to say NIU year ==")
- 心星的泪光 acted by Jerry Yan, Guan Ying and Zeng Kai Xuan is out already. Up to ep 2 lo.
- 终极三国 going to be out soon. It's the 3rd drama of the 终极系列. BUT. THE MAIN CHARACTERS NOT FAHRENHEIT!!! ARGHHHH. I will probably watch selectively when it comes out. The main characters are mostly quite new people who act as pei jiao in other shows like hotshot and the x-family, such as Hu Yu Wei and Xiu. Yalun, Jiro, Calvin they all are only 客串ing. SADDDD. but got Jin Bao San though xD
oh and Danson also got new album. But like very silent like that :X ah well. Fahrenheit's new album selling can le :D muhahahha.
did some last min CNY shopping with Jacq the other day :D many thanks for coming out and pei-ing me at such a short notice :D and in the end buying even more clothes xD hee. ai si ni le <3
(passed by a t-shirt with the words: I'm not evil, I'm just plain naughty)
Shub: Jacq! You should get a tee that says: I'm not naughty, I'm just plain evil~
anw was able to buy clothes cause lucky my youngest aunt came and rewarded me for my 'O' levels results :)
kayy. forgot what I wanted to say. so, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! (I refuse to say NIU year ==")
Friday, January 23, 2009
sad old song~ especially so cause we graduated D:
funny clip lor! I was laughing and replaying the whole thing. Haha. Showed this to Wen long ago, but suddenly feel like sharing the laughter xD
The front is abit boring, but behind damn damn funny! I was laughing until I got all teary xDxD
Sunday, January 18, 2009
OMG. I couldn't resist finishing MIT at one go instead of waiting weekly. And I so so love the show can. It gets more and more exciting near the end. And Aaron is so damn shuai~ don't believe you see (points upwards.) and one of the rare few shows whereby viewers actually comment that they love the ending and looks forward to a sequel.
and show luo's Cheng Yao MV is so cooooooooooool!! quite a mundane song but extremely cool mv. the dance v.cute. and the part whereby Da S just throw the compact and starts dancing so funny la! koped a clear version from youtube:
Saturday, January 17, 2009
okay. this post is uber belated.
I would miss Anderson alottttttttt D:
maybe it's because of the 'fresh' feel after renovation, maybe it's because of the nice principal, maybe it's because of the different and unique teachers, maybe it's because of the school's good reputation, maybe it's because of the true blue friends I have made over the four years.
But I would say proudly and loudly that I'm an Andersonian - a feeling that I don't have for my primary school.
I was saying that I would even miss mrs poh xD haha. just got this feeling on the day we get our results. and I must say I like our friendly principal a lot. She just gives off this very 亲切vibe and looks so young at the same time :P
of course I must mention ms mok. I can imagine many students were deeply influenced by her :D haha. I really tried very hard for her subject during 'O' levels. But chemistry was my worst subject on my results slip D: my results slip looks like I abandon her subject or sth. I REALLY DIDNT!! T.T was damn damn damn sad that I could not get a distinction and not even a B. argh. but at the very very very least I didnt throw her face and fail (which Ive been doing for YEARS. ALL F9s) phew.
really need to thanks my dear partner for 2 years! :D he kind of saved my life xD haha. everytime I'm slacking and suddenly he will sms "what are you doing?". Then I will feel damn guilty cause he encouraged me so much and I feel like Im letting him down or sth. Then I will unwillingly go mug the subject I'm supposed to mug. And when I was damn depressed over prelims cause I tried so hard for math and felt that I could pass and in the end still got a F9, and also the chem paper that I just could not do despite mugging like hell for it, he told me this real life true inspirational story xD haha. we are not even very 熟 friends actually, but he was very consistent in encouraging me for 'O' levels, even when many friends are concentrating on their own mugging. Really appreciated it :D though I couldnt get an A1 but I still jumped from F9 to A2 liao. so thanks for the A2!
thanks to my eyecandy! haha. just to say thanks for looking shuai xD haha. seeing 赏心悦目ppl around then will feel happier and thus more motivated :P wahaha. actually also for encouraging me too! :D although every now and then when he knows about my crappy results he will give the unbelieving, "how can anyone be so stupid?" look, but I know he meant well :) although I qi dao ban si over his higher chinese grade. arghhhh.
To Wanting! haha. I am so very very proud of her. before 'o' levels we were saying that she confirm can get 11 a1s and get the BRANDS ad. Actually I was worried. Not because I don't believe in her abilities, but because don't want to give her so much stress. And she really did it!!! when her name appeared on the screen and mrs poh announced that she's the national second, I just feel so proud of her. nvm that the news are full of the national first and catholic high--who cares about them? You will always be our godlike Wanting :D
To my clique --- whatever what I want to say I wrote already so--- love ya lots lor.
To class 4-5 too. Although our class is like a gathering of different cliques, I still enjoyed being in our class. Despite getting bad results, you don't get insulted or anything like that. There's this encouraging vibe in the class that says "Don't give up. Let's try together. We can do it." So I didn't give up, I tried and I did it :D I divided my prelim results by 3 and I didn't fail anything!
went to Sentosa the other day with Jacq, Wen, Ivan and WanTing.
photos+details go jacq's blog.
quote Jacq:
I would miss Anderson alottttttttt D:
maybe it's because of the 'fresh' feel after renovation, maybe it's because of the nice principal, maybe it's because of the different and unique teachers, maybe it's because of the school's good reputation, maybe it's because of the true blue friends I have made over the four years.
But I would say proudly and loudly that I'm an Andersonian - a feeling that I don't have for my primary school.
I was saying that I would even miss mrs poh xD haha. just got this feeling on the day we get our results. and I must say I like our friendly principal a lot. She just gives off this very 亲切vibe and looks so young at the same time :P
of course I must mention ms mok. I can imagine many students were deeply influenced by her :D haha. I really tried very hard for her subject during 'O' levels. But chemistry was my worst subject on my results slip D: my results slip looks like I abandon her subject or sth. I REALLY DIDNT!! T.T was damn damn damn sad that I could not get a distinction and not even a B. argh. but at the very very very least I didnt throw her face and fail (which Ive been doing for YEARS. ALL F9s) phew.
really need to thanks my dear partner for 2 years! :D he kind of saved my life xD haha. everytime I'm slacking and suddenly he will sms "what are you doing?". Then I will feel damn guilty cause he encouraged me so much and I feel like Im letting him down or sth. Then I will unwillingly go mug the subject I'm supposed to mug. And when I was damn depressed over prelims cause I tried so hard for math and felt that I could pass and in the end still got a F9, and also the chem paper that I just could not do despite mugging like hell for it, he told me this real life true inspirational story xD haha. we are not even very 熟 friends actually, but he was very consistent in encouraging me for 'O' levels, even when many friends are concentrating on their own mugging. Really appreciated it :D though I couldnt get an A1 but I still jumped from F9 to A2 liao. so thanks for the A2!
thanks to my eyecandy! haha. just to say thanks for looking shuai xD haha. seeing 赏心悦目ppl around then will feel happier and thus more motivated :P wahaha. actually also for encouraging me too! :D although every now and then when he knows about my crappy results he will give the unbelieving, "how can anyone be so stupid?" look, but I know he meant well :) although I qi dao ban si over his higher chinese grade. arghhhh.
To Wanting! haha. I am so very very proud of her. before 'o' levels we were saying that she confirm can get 11 a1s and get the BRANDS ad. Actually I was worried. Not because I don't believe in her abilities, but because don't want to give her so much stress. And she really did it!!! when her name appeared on the screen and mrs poh announced that she's the national second, I just feel so proud of her. nvm that the news are full of the national first and catholic high--who cares about them? You will always be our godlike Wanting :D
To my clique --- whatever what I want to say I wrote already so--- love ya lots lor.
To class 4-5 too. Although our class is like a gathering of different cliques, I still enjoyed being in our class. Despite getting bad results, you don't get insulted or anything like that. There's this encouraging vibe in the class that says "Don't give up. Let's try together. We can do it." So I didn't give up, I tried and I did it :D I divided my prelim results by 3 and I didn't fail anything!
went to Sentosa the other day with Jacq, Wen, Ivan and WanTing.
photos+details go jacq's blog.
quote Jacq:
Beaches and picnics are fun, but only if you're with good friends. Thanks for the wonderful day out =D
Friday, January 16, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Never thought of sharing my life with anyone till I met you.
From now on, letting you out of my sight is one thing I will not tolerate.
--Show Luo
From now on, letting you out of my sight is one thing I will not tolerate.
--Show Luo
hallo. now past midnight liao so shall post my thank you post tomorrow. cuz write all tt stuff very emotionally taxing de. haha. although i didnt score godlike results like the national 2nd top scorer (which happens to be my friend) to warrant a thank you speech, but this time round i kinda divided my prelim results by 3 which is a beeeeeeeg improvement so I'm very gan ji okayyy.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Friday, January 09, 2009
went to ajc open house with nadia! didn't stay long though. we hopped over to nyp. It has so much more life over there. although it gets a bit xia ren at some point. cause we went all the way to the more inside blocks whereby those gg for the open house won't reach if they only wandering aimlessly. anw. when we reach there they look so enthu about showing us their stuffs. then out of politeness we went along even though we are not even considering those choices :P haha. accumualted lots of freebies by the end of both trips xD
when we walking to her bus stop, we realized tt her bus is coming then we started to rush. but at this moment this huge wind started blowing! then we were literally going against the wind xD
when we walking to her bus stop, we realized tt her bus is coming then we started to rush. but at this moment this huge wind started blowing! then we were literally going against the wind xD
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Ohoh. I forgot to mention this. The day my phone got stolen I go home read my i-weekly. Then under the horoscope for the zodiac monkey, for the dos and don'ts, the very first point was: Be careful of thieves stealing ==||| hahaa.
Got my new specs today! Gotta adjust to the different degree though, eyes tired seh. :S
Watching clips of KO One, The X-Family and They Kiss Again again! Omg I was laughing like hell. Shall post some classic funny parts.
pearl milk tea!
the very shuai guilong~
Ohoh. I forgot to mention this. The day my phone got stolen I go home read my i-weekly. Then under the horoscope for the zodiac monkey, for the dos and don'ts, the very first point was: Be careful of thieves stealing ==||| hahaa.
Got my new specs today! Gotta adjust to the different degree though, eyes tired seh. :S
Watching clips of KO One, The X-Family and They Kiss Again again! Omg I was laughing like hell. Shall post some classic funny parts.
pearl milk tea!
the very shuai guilong~
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
hohoho. Got lots of stuff to say.
First and foremost.
Hahaha. Not drop or misplace it hor. I put my phone in my backpack's side pocket. Then when I reached NTUC I realised that it's gone "/ haha. After confirming that it was stolen (my mum called my phone and the phone is switched off), I went to buy i-weekly! xD haha. random me. So ya. I lost all my contacts T.T and the precious smses I kept for so long :( haha. I was actually quite amused that my phone got stolen. The person who stole my phone must be feeling 'cheated' cause my screen got a huge crack on it and my phone gets hanged every now and then x) anw I got a replacement sim card le, so do sms me your phone number pleaseeeee.
Went to the market some days ago and this auntie was chatting with my mum. She was saying that at IMM there was this kid who got lost and so they locked up the place. They finally found the kid in the toilet. The boy's hair was shaved off and he was changed into girl's clothing D: everybody who heard this got goosebumps but I was quite calm. Cause there are too many instances of people who are psycho (such as the guy who dressed up as santa claus and shot 8 people at a christmas party) in this world that I've pretty much accepted the fact that there are psychos around :/
Came upon these 3 words recently and they brought back lotsa memories: 你走开!
Preparing gifts and letters for our last meeting as a cohort! I D.I.Y. one okayy. ^^
First and foremost.
Hahaha. Not drop or misplace it hor. I put my phone in my backpack's side pocket. Then when I reached NTUC I realised that it's gone "/ haha. After confirming that it was stolen (my mum called my phone and the phone is switched off), I went to buy i-weekly! xD haha. random me. So ya. I lost all my contacts T.T and the precious smses I kept for so long :( haha. I was actually quite amused that my phone got stolen. The person who stole my phone must be feeling 'cheated' cause my screen got a huge crack on it and my phone gets hanged every now and then x) anw I got a replacement sim card le, so do sms me your phone number pleaseeeee.
Went to the market some days ago and this auntie was chatting with my mum. She was saying that at IMM there was this kid who got lost and so they locked up the place. They finally found the kid in the toilet. The boy's hair was shaved off and he was changed into girl's clothing D: everybody who heard this got goosebumps but I was quite calm. Cause there are too many instances of people who are psycho (such as the guy who dressed up as santa claus and shot 8 people at a christmas party) in this world that I've pretty much accepted the fact that there are psychos around :/
Came upon these 3 words recently and they brought back lotsa memories: 你走开!
Preparing gifts and letters for our last meeting as a cohort! I D.I.Y. one okayy. ^^
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Ate with my eldest sis for dinner. Then while waiting for Kor, she says we might as well go do something. Then she say go do the fish spa at the Flyer. So we walked all the way from suntec city to the Flyer! I first time go to the flyer there. but duh, of course didn't go have a ride la. I tried the fish spa. I just couldn't help laughing. Cause the fishes were so enthu and ticklish! They just zoom in and stick to your skin and start nipping. I couldn't tahan the pond with the biggest fishes. I dipped my leg in for 3 seconds only :P I'm scared of big live fishes :( Picture below is the 'medium' fish that I could bear with.
Feeling sleepy now~ still got work tommorow siaz.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
woo. Woke up at 2pm today. Reads my xiaoshuos until it's time to go meet my "worm in my stomach" xD hahah. Then lalalalalalala...
We went my dear ex-partner's open house! Lol. The place so full of people. And I finally see my eyecandy after so long!! :D haha. But me and worm both have early curfews so we left after half an hour :P Everybody was like, huh? You just come for a while? And we were like, we come for fun only xD
Then we went back to hub to lalalalala. Then go home liao.
Haix. I'm sick of my early curfews :(
Have work again tomorrow!
Me: You are like a worm in my stomach!
Me: But I'm still fat :(
Me: Hey worm
Me: You're not doing your job!
Worm: Worm's on a diet
Worm: Cannot eat too much food.
We went my dear ex-partner's open house! Lol. The place so full of people. And I finally see my eyecandy after so long!! :D haha. But me and worm both have early curfews so we left after half an hour :P Everybody was like, huh? You just come for a while? And we were like, we come for fun only xD
Then we went back to hub to lalalalala. Then go home liao.
Haix. I'm sick of my early curfews :(
Have work again tomorrow!
Me: You are like a worm in my stomach!
Me: But I'm still fat :(
Me: Hey worm
Me: You're not doing your job!
Worm: Worm's on a diet
Worm: Cannot eat too much food.
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Hallooooo. I shall post on the first day of the new year too!
I must say the very start of year 2009 SUCKS.
... ... ... ...
I shall forget about it.
Anyway. I'm kinda in a dilemma now. Haiyohaiyohaiyo.
lol. I say got new haircut then get 3 tags worh. like tt very stress leh :P
I must say the very start of year 2009 SUCKS.
... ... ... ...
I shall forget about it.
Anyway. I'm kinda in a dilemma now. Haiyohaiyohaiyo.
lol. I say got new haircut then get 3 tags worh. like tt very stress leh :P
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