"I do [think Snape is a hero], though a very flawed hero.
An anti-hero, perhaps.
He is not a particularly likeable man in many ways.
He remains rather cruel, a bully, riddled with bitterness and insecurity –
and yet he loved, and showed loyalty to that love and, ultimately, laid down his life because of it."
-- J.K. Rowling
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
found this long long long ago during my search for quotes. damn funny:
男:对 你无情 你残酷 你无理取闹
男:我就算在怎么无情 再怎么残酷 再怎么无理取闹也不会比你更无情 更残酷 更无理取闹
女:我会比你无情!?比你残酷!?比你无理取闹!? 你才是我见过最无情 最残酷 最无理取闹的人
男:哼 我绝对没你无情 没你残酷 没你无理取闹
女:好 既然你说我无情 我残酷 我无理取闹我就无情给你看 残酷给你看 无理取闹给你看
男:看吧 还说你不无情 不残酷 不无理取闹现在完全展现你无情 残酷 无理取闹的一面了吧.
男:对 你无情 你残酷 你无理取闹
男:我就算在怎么无情 再怎么残酷 再怎么无理取闹也不会比你更无情 更残酷 更无理取闹
女:我会比你无情!?比你残酷!?比你无理取闹!? 你才是我见过最无情 最残酷 最无理取闹的人
男:哼 我绝对没你无情 没你残酷 没你无理取闹
女:好 既然你说我无情 我残酷 我无理取闹我就无情给你看 残酷给你看 无理取闹给你看
男:看吧 还说你不无情 不残酷 不无理取闹现在完全展现你无情 残酷 无理取闹的一面了吧.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Life doesn't get so bad when you had a someone to talk to, to listen to, who makes the effort to find you, who would keep you company when the majority is going elsewhere. Ya. Not so bad. :)
Just don't make any decision that you may regret... Be strong :)
ah. scared of diverted calls ... :S
Just don't make any decision that you may regret... Be strong :)
ah. scared of diverted calls ... :S
Monday, March 24, 2008
watched the newest ep of They Kiss Again. Just mainly watch the main characters nia. Lucky this ep ZhiShu sweeter to XiangQin ^^
then watched Fated to Love You. DAMN FUNNY! MUST WATCH. GO, SHOO. xD kept laughing out loud during the whole show. and it's only ep 2. haha. And Dylan is cute (the XiaoLan of Kungfu Dunk.) =)
Don't keep everything to urself dearie. Im always here to provide protection (xD) and listening ear and advice and shoulder and hug. ^^
Life is so much easier when you are giving and taking instead of giving all the time. I really appreciate you 2 for making my life so much easier :) and happier
eyecandy is extra cute today with earphones and mic xD
then watched Fated to Love You. DAMN FUNNY! MUST WATCH. GO, SHOO. xD kept laughing out loud during the whole show. and it's only ep 2. haha. And Dylan is cute (the XiaoLan of Kungfu Dunk.) =)
Don't keep everything to urself dearie. Im always here to provide protection (xD) and listening ear and advice and shoulder and hug. ^^
Life is so much easier when you are giving and taking instead of giving all the time. I really appreciate you 2 for making my life so much easier :) and happier
eyecandy is extra cute today with earphones and mic xD
Sunday, March 23, 2008
chionging probability revision.
last cca tmr.
yay. can watch updated shows tmr =)
last cca tmr.
yay. can watch updated shows tmr =)
Friday, March 21, 2008
yay yay holiday :] fell alseep ytd without even realising. today woke up first thought was "huh? I was alseep?!" haha.
met up with wanting today. actually want go sing K de, but she scared that ulu place not open on public hols -.- so stayed in amk hub. haha. went to the arcade played some games. we were walking past the Initial D section when wanting was like, eh, this one like got credit de. but nobody on it. then wanting was like quick!! go play!! i was like huh??!! but in the end still got in xD haha. got trashed by the machine. then we go take neoprint!
met up with wanting today. actually want go sing K de, but she scared that ulu place not open on public hols -.- so stayed in amk hub. haha. went to the arcade played some games. we were walking past the Initial D section when wanting was like, eh, this one like got credit de. but nobody on it. then wanting was like quick!! go play!! i was like huh??!! but in the end still got in xD haha. got trashed by the machine. then we go take neoprint!

after that cause wanting say she bored of hub so we go J8. then we go the arcade again xD. rode the bike and played photohunt.
so ya. end of story :]
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
shall make an effort to update. even Im sick of the same post =.=
oops, I should be studing bio now :x
cannot post about all the private stuff, so what shall I post about??
I shall post about ME xD
- frequently having extremely extreme frequent mood swings. and having no reason at all. I can be laughing one moment and feeling damn emo the next.
- sick of feeling sick -.- last night slept at 1plus, woke up at 4plus cause I choked, went back sleep, missed my alarm, woke up at 6.45 and gotta chiong out of the house to school with no breakfast no nothing.
- realised that I'm not a very nice person. somehow.
wen must take care horhx...
nadia must cheer up horhx...
hueit must not emo horhx...
weiching must continue happy worhx..
must stop being er xin horhx...xD
oops, I should be studing bio now :x
cannot post about all the private stuff, so what shall I post about??
I shall post about ME xD
- frequently having extremely extreme frequent mood swings. and having no reason at all. I can be laughing one moment and feeling damn emo the next.
- sick of feeling sick -.- last night slept at 1plus, woke up at 4plus cause I choked, went back sleep, missed my alarm, woke up at 6.45 and gotta chiong out of the house to school with no breakfast no nothing.
- realised that I'm not a very nice person. somehow.
wen must take care horhx...
nadia must cheer up horhx...
hueit must not emo horhx...
weiching must continue happy worhx..
must stop being er xin horhx...xD
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
wah. now whenever randomly think of some scenes in Koizora will feel a bit teary sia. oh dear. too absorbed by the movie. haha.
new drama showing this weekend. 命中注定我爱你.watch the trailer and alrd laughing like siao~
I hate unreasonable ppl.
new drama showing this weekend. 命中注定我爱你.watch the trailer and alrd laughing like siao~
I hate unreasonable ppl.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
just watched Koizora at amk hub with wanting today.
It's a very simple story and predictable plots.
Everyone still cried like hell.
I mean the whole cinema. You can hear people gasping for the last half an hour man.
And me and wanting were in floods.
but there ppl who were practically bawling that we cant help laughing at the same time. lol.
the front part of the movie damn cute. lots of laugh out loud parts.

shall watch Step Up 2: The Streets next. =)
It's a very simple story and predictable plots.
Everyone still cried like hell.
I mean the whole cinema. You can hear people gasping for the last half an hour man.
And me and wanting were in floods.
but there ppl who were practically bawling that we cant help laughing at the same time. lol.
the front part of the movie damn cute. lots of laugh out loud parts.

shall watch Step Up 2: The Streets next. =)
Monday, March 10, 2008
watched some videos of Mars today. still one of my fav shows after years. only couple that has real chemistry in the show. haha. anw. was laughing at this part where Ling bashes up her girlfriend's sicko stepfather:
Ling: 你这个无耻的家伙 (punches him in the face)
想到你的血颜色跟我一样我就气 (punches him in the face again)
想到你的命跟我一样重要我就更气 (punches him in the stomach)
你有权利活下去我就气到要死 (used his knee to knock him in the stomach)
*cheers for ling!*
Ling: 你这个无耻的家伙 (punches him in the face)
想到你的血颜色跟我一样我就气 (punches him in the face again)
想到你的命跟我一样重要我就更气 (punches him in the stomach)
你有权利活下去我就气到要死 (used his knee to knock him in the stomach)
*cheers for ling!*
Sunday, March 09, 2008
yay. 200th post!
7 March Cross Country + Sports Carnival
Hmm. shall not post about the very starting of the day so that I will forget…
Had a super long wait at Harbourfront station for the bus to come and take us into Tanjong Beach in Sentosa. Finally we squeezed on one.
cross country for girls started. I thought Nadia walking then in the end she running and I couldn’t keep up. So run at the back with Wen and walked for most part of it with our cameras. Lol.
When on the return route the guys who started later starting to catch up and over take. I saw Aneesh first then said go aneesh. Then when we saw Ivan we were like Wow Ivan JIAYOU! Haha. Then basically as the guys run past we said jiayou to the ones we know. I saw people like Nigel, Ganesh, Jonathan, etc and said jiayou.
During prize giving for cross country, I went up to the front to take pic of Nigel, Aneesh and Ivan taking the prize mah. Then Melvin very nearby, then I gei siao gei siao took a few pics.
During the tug-of-war game I took Ben’s shuai photos upon request of nadia. during the whole thing I basically just wander about with nadia. haha.
It’s our turn for Bossa Ball. …… I got up with them and started hopping. The thing is not just hot, it’s SCALDING. I basically didn’t hit the ball cause they all so pro. Then anyway our team damn cool, trashed them and Jun An was like rotate! And we rotated. I don’t know how to describe but it was damn cool. Anyway, by the time I was up there on 1 minute I can feel blisters forming on my soles. But got to keep jumping and I couldn’t get off. So I just hold back my tears and keep jumping. The middle position was a relief for a very very short moment cause it’s cooler but got to get out soon. I was like praying trash them and let me get down. Then switch over. By this time, the pain was so overwhelming and increasing that I bit my hand to keep going. When it finally ended, I stumbled down on the brink of tears. I want to cry and couldn’t find nadia. Then I saw wen. I stumbled over and say wen~ and started crying into her shoulder. She xia dao and asked what happened. I was gasping that it hurts a lot.
Then not sure what happened but Eileen appeared. I sat on the ground and she rested my feet on her legs. Then they pour water, etc. wah. Eileen do stuff like apply lotion and keep my feet on her legs. I was so touched by her St John’s spirit sia. XIEXIE!! Then I asked ting li to sub other people in when she came to us how am i.
At about 2 plus, we damn bek cek already. Cause of the sun and of dehydration. So basically even the prize giving also couldn’t care much.
Happy cause got take a lot of photos with different ppl =)
then it’s dismissal. Cause the queue for the bus damn long so we decided to walk. Crazy people. Then we a bit siao diao, screaming, running down the slope, singing. Just kept moving mechanically. We were like saying this is ironman and survivor, etc. when we reached the sentosa sign there me, wen, wenjia, wanting, jacq and Ivan took pic there. Then WE FINALLY REACHED VIVO CITY. Just bought drinks and trudged to the interchange to take bus.
Just for future references, here are the places sunburnt/burnt:
-the strip across my nose
-the whole neck
-a ‘v’ in front
-upper side of both forearms up to the hand, even fingers
-half of both thighs
-the whole leg, especially right below the back of my knees
-my feet, have the slippers mark
-my soles
-my ears
my arms are exothermic.
p.s. though damn tiring, it is indeed a memorable enough cross country day of our last year of secondary school life.
8 March CIP at Anchorvale CC Opening
met nadia at Jubilee to go sengkang meet wanting they all. when we reached sk, they havent reach yet. anw, then we all go take LRT. so complicated worhs.
me and wen helped out at the cap distribution booth first. then so funny, the residents come our counter exchange blue caps for red caps. LOL.
when the lunch thingy started so damn hectic sia. it's like alamak, I dun mind if you wanna exchange 14 coupons for 14 lunch boxes and drinks, but at least can you find your own way of holding them all??? geez.
by the end of the day, I got lollipop, 1 red cap, 1 goodie bag and 1 photo.
after the event me Ivan and nadia take LRT back. then we saw the doors closing, me and Ivan managed to squeeze in. then nadia stranded there. so we got off next stop to take the next one. it's DAMN ULU. it's like forests on both sides???
then me and nadia wander ard compass, buy some stuff, then take 159 to amk, then wander ard amk hub...
7 March Cross Country + Sports Carnival
Hmm. shall not post about the very starting of the day so that I will forget…
Had a super long wait at Harbourfront station for the bus to come and take us into Tanjong Beach in Sentosa. Finally we squeezed on one.
cross country for girls started. I thought Nadia walking then in the end she running and I couldn’t keep up. So run at the back with Wen and walked for most part of it with our cameras. Lol.
When on the return route the guys who started later starting to catch up and over take. I saw Aneesh first then said go aneesh. Then when we saw Ivan we were like Wow Ivan JIAYOU! Haha. Then basically as the guys run past we said jiayou to the ones we know. I saw people like Nigel, Ganesh, Jonathan, etc and said jiayou.
During prize giving for cross country, I went up to the front to take pic of Nigel, Aneesh and Ivan taking the prize mah. Then Melvin very nearby, then I gei siao gei siao took a few pics.
During the tug-of-war game I took Ben’s shuai photos upon request of nadia. during the whole thing I basically just wander about with nadia. haha.
It’s our turn for Bossa Ball. …… I got up with them and started hopping. The thing is not just hot, it’s SCALDING. I basically didn’t hit the ball cause they all so pro. Then anyway our team damn cool, trashed them and Jun An was like rotate! And we rotated. I don’t know how to describe but it was damn cool. Anyway, by the time I was up there on 1 minute I can feel blisters forming on my soles. But got to keep jumping and I couldn’t get off. So I just hold back my tears and keep jumping. The middle position was a relief for a very very short moment cause it’s cooler but got to get out soon. I was like praying trash them and let me get down. Then switch over. By this time, the pain was so overwhelming and increasing that I bit my hand to keep going. When it finally ended, I stumbled down on the brink of tears. I want to cry and couldn’t find nadia. Then I saw wen. I stumbled over and say wen~ and started crying into her shoulder. She xia dao and asked what happened. I was gasping that it hurts a lot.
Then not sure what happened but Eileen appeared. I sat on the ground and she rested my feet on her legs. Then they pour water, etc. wah. Eileen do stuff like apply lotion and keep my feet on her legs. I was so touched by her St John’s spirit sia. XIEXIE!! Then I asked ting li to sub other people in when she came to us how am i.
At about 2 plus, we damn bek cek already. Cause of the sun and of dehydration. So basically even the prize giving also couldn’t care much.
Happy cause got take a lot of photos with different ppl =)
then it’s dismissal. Cause the queue for the bus damn long so we decided to walk. Crazy people. Then we a bit siao diao, screaming, running down the slope, singing. Just kept moving mechanically. We were like saying this is ironman and survivor, etc. when we reached the sentosa sign there me, wen, wenjia, wanting, jacq and Ivan took pic there. Then WE FINALLY REACHED VIVO CITY. Just bought drinks and trudged to the interchange to take bus.
Just for future references, here are the places sunburnt/burnt:
-the strip across my nose
-the whole neck
-a ‘v’ in front
-upper side of both forearms up to the hand, even fingers
-half of both thighs
-the whole leg, especially right below the back of my knees
-my feet, have the slippers mark
-my soles
-my ears
my arms are exothermic.
p.s. though damn tiring, it is indeed a memorable enough cross country day of our last year of secondary school life.
8 March CIP at Anchorvale CC Opening
met nadia at Jubilee to go sengkang meet wanting they all. when we reached sk, they havent reach yet. anw, then we all go take LRT. so complicated worhs.
me and wen helped out at the cap distribution booth first. then so funny, the residents come our counter exchange blue caps for red caps. LOL.
when the lunch thingy started so damn hectic sia. it's like alamak, I dun mind if you wanna exchange 14 coupons for 14 lunch boxes and drinks, but at least can you find your own way of holding them all??? geez.
by the end of the day, I got lollipop, 1 red cap, 1 goodie bag and 1 photo.
after the event me Ivan and nadia take LRT back. then we saw the doors closing, me and Ivan managed to squeeze in. then nadia stranded there. so we got off next stop to take the next one. it's DAMN ULU. it's like forests on both sides???
then me and nadia wander ard compass, buy some stuff, then take 159 to amk, then wander ard amk hub...
Friday, March 07, 2008
too tired to blog....
totally chao ta... my skin now exothermic sia.
but gotto mention thanks... to eileen the paramedic that always kana stuck with sai gang... to those who asked me jiayou... to those who asked how am I... to those who helped to take the umbrella... to those who took photos with me...
totally chao ta... my skin now exothermic sia.
but gotto mention thanks... to eileen the paramedic that always kana stuck with sai gang... to those who asked me jiayou... to those who asked how am I... to those who helped to take the umbrella... to those who took photos with me...
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
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