saw a few clips from Death Note. then realised actually in the first movie, he's way way way more paler then now, as in in L: Change the World. ah. totally in love with L. so kawaii!! credits to Kenichi Matsumaya for being such a cute L ^^
Rest of the post are just some expressions of feelings I got from watching recent movies so dun read if it's not your interest. you will probably be bored.
Watched L today. kinda impromptu. haha. cuz I always read those moie reviews de. then got quite a lot says that although ya, Kenichi Matsumaya is still very L, but even he cant save the movie. esp one critic whom always give very sharp views only gave this film a pathetic one and a half stars. Her viewpoint is that the genius of L is his weirdness, his brains, etc, it would be enough just to film some difficult case and he just solve them in his hi-tech room, why force him to straighten his back and leave his hi-tech rm in such a unglam manner and run all about?!
Lol. so basically I just wanted to watch L, as in, him. but about the movie. okay, i mean, ya, the main conflict in the movie is cliche but then Im an easily satisfied person regarding movies. *shrug* some of the flaws, or rather places I don't like are for example, the pace of the movie (v.slow, to me la), unecessary focus on irrelevant characters (like the camera stopping on the person's face for too long), some awkward lines and some extra elaboration at the wrong places. ah well. L is still cute, even cuter. :) anw. cried at the very end of the movie, cuz it's like omg, he's gg to die! haha.
Actually now reviewing the movie, the feelings I got kinda reminds me of Kungfu Dunk. Both are popular shows. Both have a central character who is totally cute/shuai/cool and whom you would spend money just to see him. Both being talented and charming as the character but still could not save the movie. Most prominently, both movies could be better, but due to the directors, the focus and feel of the movies became a bit off.
and with this, I end my speech. LOL.