argh. feeling like crap today. head had been hurting since morning and I just swallowed 1 panadol extra (I shall sue the company - the effect super slow) and 2 panadol pills. so yah. gotta be careful else I wld get liver damage soon due to over intake of paratecemol. haha. eyes also smarting like hell and I havent even gotten past 1/4 of the chem syllabus. so basically. Im dead meat. 

ANDDDDDDDDD. MY COM KEEPS HANG-ING!! QI SI WO LE. Have to reformat it AGAIN. This com is going to the bins. Crap. Zzzz. But I got about 3GB worth of my precious songs! How????? O and yah. Currently my explorer hang-ed again so Im typing this in Microsoft word.

My head pain pain~~~ T.T

My head pain pain~~~ T.T

*points upwards* that's right. that's how I look like right now.
P.S. those kawaii pics I think is copyright de, so yah. Credits to them for expressing so many people's emotions so well! :D
Am I being emo nowadays? or am I just being myself? I dunno myself, to say the truth. anyway. currently felt that the word 'emo' nowadays are used quite in a negative context. I can't express it in words, but it's like it's just, well, bad to be emo. ah. im talking crap.