

"I do [think Snape is a hero], though a very flawed hero.
An anti-hero, perhaps.
He is not a particularly likeable man in many ways.
He remains rather cruel, a bully, riddled with bitterness and insecurity –
and yet he loved, and showed loyalty to that love and, ultimately, laid down his life because of it."

-- J.K. Rowling

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I suddenly remembered this question that my sis asked me some time ago. It’s a question that her lecturer asked in a workshop. It almost drove me crazy. There’s a name for this type of thing, some of you may have heard of it, it’s called Liar’s Paradox. Here’s it:

A Cretian said, “All Cretians lie.”

Please answer this, is this statement true?

If your answer is ‘Yes, this statement is true.” That means you are saying that all Cretians lie. But the statement is made by a Cretian, which would mean that he is lying that all Cretians lie. So is the statement still true??

If your answer is ‘No, this statement is not true.” That means you are saying that all Cretians do not lie. And the statement is made by a Cretian, which would mean that he is not lying that all Cretians lie. So is the statement is still false??

Wahahaha. Feeling a headache coming on? It happened to me, too. ^^ Please don’t burn too many of your brain cells over this, it’s just for leisure.

Here’s a normal(?) quiz:
Arrange these five into order, with the first one as your favourite.
***********don’t cheat yourself***********
They represent the qualities you value most in your gf/bf
Water – Fate
Snow – Character
Mountain – Body
Train – Sexual ability
Flower – Looks
***Not I say one arh - though it’s quite true (for some ppl)***

Btw, sorry for not updating for quite some time. It’s not that nothing happened, it’s just that some things couldn’t and shouldn’t be made public and are pretty personal. And due to the fact that this is not one of the totally obscure blogs which no one knows, and despite the small number, still there are readers so of course I don’t want to offend people (I very gia si T.T), so I would only post when I’m free, have safe + interesting things to share, or when I 心血来潮or something.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I kept to my word and watched Countdown 2007 of Taipei’s version. Sadly the other countdown in another part of Taiwan with 5566 and KOne, etc was not shown on telly. Nevertheless there is FAHRENHEIT! They sang 只对你有感觉 and 超喜欢你. As you know, the former is a duet and thus they had to sing the Hebe’s version of the song and so it was kind of monotonous. Haha. But the latter is very nice!! It’s one of the 插曲in Hana Kimi. Oh dear. I’m so tempted to buy the soundtrack. O and 亚纶’s fans wld be happy to know that his limp is much much better le. ^^ And Calvin changed his hairstyle-which suits him better.

Just watched Death Note. My sis bought it from Malaysia yesterday. WELL. Seriously, that 夜神月is such a jerk + creep. I mean, the movie is nice with an ingenious plot and everything, but that Light character makes my blood boil. That psycho actually killed his girlfriend just to get into the police force and show how smart he is. I sincerely hoped that in Death Note 2, the last name will be his. Okay. I don’t care whether he is the last one to die or not, I just hope that he dies – the sooner the better. My sis just chiong-ed to cineleisure(?) to catch DN2, so have to wait for her to return and relay the news. Anyway, Light aside, I like L much better. He’s such an interesting character (he keeps eating and eating and eating), though with a subtle resemblance to JU-ON’s brother. Lol.

总觉得心里有很多话想说,但此时却觉得难以启齿,无法将心里想表达的put into words. Until next time then. Sigh.